Chicago Fellowship Leaders Learn About The Heart of Discipleship Through Jesus' Principles

Chicago UBF

At the invitation of Pastor Ron Ward and with the support of UBF senior staff, shepherds and shepherdesses in the Chicago area gathered at the Chicago UBF headquarters on Saturday, June 23, 2012, for the second fellowship leaders workshop. Over 40 leaders assembled for Bible study, a message, presentations, discussion, prayer and fellowship. The theme of the workshop was "The Principles of Jesus' Discipleship Ministry," which was decided at the previous workshop. Leaders wanted to learn how to be good disciples of Jesus and how to be effective disciple-makers at each campus. The workshop took a broad view of Mark's gospel, covering all sixteen chapters. Participants learned not only what Jesus did and how it might be applied today but also Jesus' heart and deliberateness in the discipleship ministry.

The workshop began with group Bible study. The Bible study was challenging since it covered all of Mark's gospel in one sitting. For many it was a fresh approach to Bible study, giving us a "big picture" view of some of the important principles in discipleship. Four broad principles were touched upon: life together, Bible study, a sense of history and practical training. The principle of "life together" is the importance of being with God's flock and God's people. We need to be with others to grow as disciples and to be disciple-makers. Bible study is another foundation of discipleship ministry. Disciples of Jesus must study the Bible and teach the Bible. The gospel of Jesus' death and resurrection is especially important. A sense of history means to remember what God has done so that we might trust God more and help others to do the same. Practical training is to live out what we have learned in daily life, during trials, victories and even the mundane.

After the Bible study, Pastor Ron delivered a powerful message that covered all of these themes. Though he was sick during the week, he gave his heart to serve growing leaders with God's word. He focused on Mark 3:14-16. Using some helpful diagrams, his message reinforced Jesus' principles of discipleship. He had many more things to say but encouraged everyone to remember and apply at least one thing. He especially exhorted participants to remember that in order to make disciples, we must first be good disciples of Jesus. We must pray to grow in Jesus' image, spirit and heart and so become good disciple-makers.

After a delicious lunch fellowship prepared by Sh. Elena Lomahan, four special presentations were made. Sh. Steve Stasinos presented on how the organizational structure at UIC has helped in the discipleship ministry. This included a case study on how cross-fellowship teams, fellowship support and 1:1 Bible teachers all worked and prayed together to help one key student leader to grow to become a disciple-maker. Pastor Mark Vucekovich shared twelve things that the Lincoln Park UBF ministry has done over the years to raise student disciples. These included peer-group testimony sharing, raising student messengers, everyday Bible study during the summer for anyone who is available to attend and common life. Sh. Gustavo Islas shared how his fellowship at Northeastern Illinois University went through a discipleship curriculum called "MasterLife" which all members found to be very helpful. The curriculum helps people to see where they are in their life of faith, how to grow as a disciple and ultimately becoming a disciple-maker. Missionary DK gave us book report on "The Lost Art of Disciple Making" by LeRoy Eims who had served many years with The Navigators ministry. Many points in the book are already done in UBF, which was encouraging, but there were also things to learn. We were particularly encouraged to memorize Scripture as well as continue in deep Bible study.

Leaders were challenged, encouraged and refreshed through the workshop. Everyone learned many important principles but prayed to take even one and put it into practice. Everyone prayed to be a good disciple and a good disciple-maker.

The next workshop is scheduled for July 28, 2012 and the theme will be "Fellowship".

By Tony King