Running for Africa Fundraiser by Northwestern UBF in Chicago

Chicago UBF (Northwestern)

Northwestern UBF in Chicago has been fundraising for the 3 African international conferences in Uganda, South Africa and Nigeria with 2 goals: to help students with airfare to attend, and to send relief money. On Saturday, June 30 at 7 a.m., Northwestern UBF held an event called "Running for Africa." For this event, 63 runners or walkers and 10 volunteers completed 1 or 3 miles at Warren Park near the Chicago UBF Center. Paying $20 for 3 miles or $10 for 1 mile, $1140 was raised! Participants came from various campuses in Chicago UBF. Participating runners included Dr. Abraham and Sarah K Lee from Germany and their son Dr. Samuel Lee as a volunteer.

Other recent fundraisers NU held were: Msn.Daniel Lee re-stringing tennis rackets, Msn.Young Lee teaching an English seminar, an upcoming church rummage sale and a photography seminar and personal donations. Thus far, over $2500 has been raised. May this fundraising encourage and bless all our African missionaries and indigenous disciples. May Africa be a missionary sending continent and may the 40 remaining African countries have a UBF witness.