DuPage and NIU UBF Ministries Held a Summer Bible School Entitled, “Lost, But Found In Jesus!”

DuPage UBF and NIU UBF (Illinois, USA)

“But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (Luke 15:32)

On June 29 to July 1st, the DuPage and NIU UBF ministries held a Summer Bible School entitled, “Lost, But Found In Jesus!” The key verse of the conference was Luke 15:32, “ But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” There are so many people wandering in the darkness. They are lost in their sin. But Jesus, in his compassion, is seeking the lost to bring them back to God and to the Kingdom of God. The invitation card stated, “Find out Jesus fulfilled the lives of people who thought they had it all. Meet Jesus who reaches out to those feeling lost and rejected by people. Have great discussions and hear personal testimonies of those who were found by Jesus.” God sent 33 people to our conference, ten through NIU UBF, four from Triton UBF and 19 through DuPage UBF. God raised 12 speakers; seven messengers, four presiders who shared their testimonies and one life testimony speaker from China.

Originally we planned to hold our conference at a Christian camp. But because of our projected number of attendees, we could not utilize the camp. At first, we didn’t know what to do. We prayed and God gave us the best solution, that is, to have a “good bye” conference at the DuPage Bible house. (which is now for sale) It was the perfect answer, more perfect than utilizing the Christian camp, and let me tell you why…

On Day One Sarah Jesmer (13) presided. She shared that last year God moved her heart during a praise and worship song, revealing to her that life in Christ is what she really wanted. She also led the NIU praise band for the session. Our speakers were Isaac Bahn (Gr. 12) and Esther Kim. (NW grad) They spoke on Matthew 9:1-13, “Jesus Came to Heal and Call Sinners.” Isaac spoke about Jesus healing the paralytic and Esther spoke about the calling of Matthew. From their messages, we learned that Jesus is our spiritual doctor. He came to heal us, sometimes physically and mostly spiritually. But to be healed we need to see our sinful condition and come to Jesus for healing. Afterwards, we had an ice cream social.

Day Two was done in three parts. In the morning there was group Bible study held in four groups. Then the DuPage Vocal Team led in praise and worship. Matt Cizek (Elmhurst College) presided, sharing his key verse testimony. Two messengers delivered messages on “Lost, But Found in Jesus”. Sarah Bahn (Uof I-Champaign) spoke about the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin. She stated that many students think that their university years are to be spent selfishly. But God’s heart is different. God has a heart to seek out the lost. Sarah thanked God for seeking her out and she wants to share in God’s heart. Jeremy Hajek, (IIT instructor) vividly revealed the heart of God our Father. God is waiting for those who are prodigal sons and daughters. He is waiting for their return and wants to forgive them and reinstate them as children of God with a rich inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

After a delicious lunch from “Famous Dave’s” barbeque, we watched a movie called, “The Encounter.” It is a movie about five strangers stranded in the middle of nowhere. They take refuge in a deserted roadside diner. But the Christ-like proprietor seems strangely all-knowing and offers more than temporal nourishment. Four of them accept Jesus and one leaves to face his destiny without Jesus. It was very thought provoking. Several people played mini-golf and returned to a delicious supper provided by DuPage UBF.

That evening we heard a message on Saul’s conversion, delivered by Philip Chang (NU Medical Intern). He spoke of how Saul, “The Great One” was changed into Paul, “The Small One.” It was when Saul met the Risen Jesus that he cast off every shred of self righteousness, and was completely transformed. Philip confessed that Jesus is transforming him through his experiences in medical school. We were blessed to hear the life testimony of Peter L. While living in China he met an American missionary. Through this missionary he came to believe in Jesus. His wife came to believe in Jesus. He is now studying at Moody Bible Institute and prays to be a missionary.

Day three of the Bible school began with praise and worship led the DuPage Vocal Team. The presider was Jeremy Knarr, a student at COD. He shared how Jesus found him and changed him from one who got upset with others and who stole from his brother, to a compassionate follower of Jesus. He saw his presiding and testimony sharing as Jesus bringing his spiritual life together, “full circle.” The first message was entitled, “Go Now and Leave Your Life of Sin.” It was based on John 8:1-11. It was delivered by Amanda Kender (COD student). She shared how she had an adulterous heart and deserved to be condemned like the woman in the passage. But Jesus forgave her of her sins, freeing her from all condemnation. Jesus set her free to live a new life to love and serve God. She spoke very clearly and powerfully for the glory of God. The closing message was delivered by Kevin Jesmer (NIU UBF). His message was entitled, “Wait For The Gift The Father Has Promised and Live as Jesus’ Witnesses.” It was based on Acts 1:1-11. In his message we learned that we must pray and wait on the Holy Spirit, for by the Spirit of God we learn intimately the truth about Jesus and we gain strength to be witnesses of the Risen Jesus. We learned that we should never loose the point, but live as witnesses of Jesus telling the world about the Risen Jesus and the Kingdom of God. After the Sunday Service, we all shared one thing we learned and ate another delicious lunch served up by DuPage UBF. Though there was a raging storm blowing all around the Bible House, God protected us and kept the electricity on, even though thousands in the area were without power. Praise the Lord.

We thank God for blessing the Bible School and helping us to be newly found in Jesus. We pray for God to bless the future co-working between DuPage and NIU UBF ministries. We also pray that God may continue to establish American Gospel preachers from among us.

By David Kim