Atlanta UBF, Knoxville UBF, and Raleigh UBF Will Join for a Summer Retreat

Atlanta UBF, Knoxville UBF, and Raleigh UBF

Atlanta UBF, Knoxville UBF, and Raleigh UBF ministries are having a Summer Retreat in the Smoky Mountains at Gatlinburg, Tennessee on July 20-22. All other ministries are welcome to join. We will study 1 Peter based on the theme "Have a Holy Attitude" with key verse 1 Peter 1:15 "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do." We pray to learn the attitude of Jesus and share in His love, service to God, suffering, and new life that we may be holy in all we do. Please pray for God to renew a holy attitude in us through our retreat. May God bless you and your summer conference. 

By Andrew and Heather Dellinger

