St. Louis UBF Renews God's Calling Through a Special Lecture on Fruitful Fishing and 1:1 Bible Study

St. Louis UBF (Missouri)

July 24, 2012

On July 12th St. Louis UBF invited Missionary David Kim (DuPage UBF) and had a special lecture on "Fruitful Fishing (outreach) and 1:1 Bible Study"’. The lecture lasted for three hours from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm, and Msn. David gave us a humorous and challenging lecture including his personal testimony as a fisher of man and disciple maker based on Luke 5:1-11. Total thirteen, 12 missionaries and 1 HBF (Ine Suh), joined the meeting with eagerness and sincerity. Indeed, fishing and 1:1 Bible study is one of the main core values of UBF ministry. This special lecture reminded us of God’s grace of salvation and renewed God’s calling as missionary and Bible teacher. Also, we learned the importance of seeing students on campus with Jesus’ shepherd heart, the diversity of fishing, and the consistency of relationship with Bible students in disciple-making ministry. After the lecture, we all prayed together that God may make all of us fruitful fishers of men and disciple makers.

By Paul Choi
