Abraham Song's Family Visited Abraham Jung of Tri-Cities UBF

Tri-Cities UBF (Washington)

July 27, 3012

Last Friday (7/20/2012), our family visited Abraham Jung in Tri-Cities, Washington which is 3 ½ hours driving distance from my house.  Actually, he lives in Richland, one of the tri-cities.  As you see on the map below, the Tri-Cities, Washington consists of three cities: Richland, Pasco, and Kennewick. We arrived at his home around 8 p.m.  Unlike Seattle, the weather there was sunny and hot which reminded me of times when we were in LA, California. Even though it was a bit late, his mother-in-law (Eunice) served us with a delicious meal. Chris and Julia seemed excited about our visit and played well in the living room. Msn. Abraham Jung came to Richland, WA in January of 2011. He is working for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in a postdoctoral program.

The next day we met at the Columbia Basin College, about 20 minutes driving distance from Msn. Abraham Jung’s house at around 10:30 a.m.  There were no students at all at the time of our visit. They said that there is no activity during the summer vacation. They told us that they don’t come here often because of the distance. But they pray that they may come more and pioneer this campus with the gospel.

Next we went to Washington State University, Tri-Cities. The main campus of WSU is in Pullman, WA. It was a clean and nice small campus by the Columbia River.  About 1,500 students are enrolled. About 10 minutes’ drive from Msn. Abraham Jung’s house, and 5 minutes’ drive from his work. So Msn. Abraham and Suzanne Jung come here for fishing and 1:1’s frequently. They even have Sunday Worship Service here every week.

After prayer, we went together to a farm nearby and picked some cherries and berries. Seeing so many cherries and berries reminded me of God’s blessing to mankind, “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’(Genesis 1:28) and Jesus’ word, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruitfruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (John 15:16)

Now Tri-Cities UBF ministry looks barren. But I can see clearly that as God promised he will bless Msn. Abraham Jung’s family so that they may bear fruits that will last like numerous cherries and berries in the farm.

Here are their prayer topics:

  1. May God help us to pioneer Washington State University and Columbia Basin College by faith;
  2. May God bless Sunday Worship Service with his words;
  3. May God provide me with a permanent scientist position at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

By Abraham Song
