St. Louis UBF Had a Refreshing Summer Bible Camp in the Forest by the River

St. Louis UBF (Missouri)

July 28, 2012

St. Louis UBF had a Summer Bible Camp at the Black River, Lesterville MO from July 6-8 with 42 members. Unlike the previous conferences, we encamped by the edge of the river staying in tents and having meetings outside. Despite 110 degree heat waves in the Midwest, we had a cool and refreshing Bible conference in the forest by the river. God raised 6 Bible speakers from young growing disciples such as Ben West, Hannah Park, Luke West, Pangaa B, Priscilla P. Andrew. The first night Shepherd Ben and Hannah delivered testimonial messages based on Luke 5:1-11. Through them, we learned that Jesus loves us and calls each of us to have a deep relationship with him even though we don’t deserve. The second morning Luke West and Pangaa shared their messages based on John 4:1-24. They confessed that Jesus is the only living water which quenches their thirst and fills their emptiness.

After the morning messages, we all took a bus for floating. In spite of national drought the river provided enough water for rafting, canoeing, and enjoying kayaks. While floating down 6 miles along the river, we learned how to work together in all circumstances as Dr. Camille Bishop said in her book, “We’re In This Boat Together.” That night we had a camp fire by the beach under numerous stars in the sky. Especially the West’s family played graceful music for each program that even other campers envied our meeting. The third day was Sunday. For the first time we had an outdoor worship service. Priscilla and Andrew delivered messages of Jesus’ forgiving prayer on the cross based on Luke 23. We were touched by Jesus’ sacrificial love, who didn’t save himself in order to save us.

For this conference, three young missionaries Dr. Stephen Han, Isaiah Lim and James Lee worked as coordinators helping all the messengers through Bible study, prayer and serving food. By doing so, they broke a wall between missionaries and young disciples and learned to work together in doing the work of God. Under the stewardship of Msn. Luke Yang we had a hilarious (?) gospel song contest among each fellowship. For the conference we met day and night for three weeks at the Bible house and prayed for nice weather, safe trip, joyful floating, and smooth program. God answered all our prayer topics. Indeed prayer works. Thank God!

By Paul Choi
