New Jersey UBF Had a Bible Academy after Storm Sandy

New Jersey UBF

November 8, 2012 

After Sandy, more than 60% of the people in NJ have suffered from no electricity. Life became harder here for those who run small business due to a lack of cash flow as you understand the structure of the economy in America which depends on the monthly mortgage payment system.

Storm Sandy has affected our coworkers, too.  Our lives have also become difficult due to no electricity. Besides this, there is also a report that the drinking water is contaminated so that people in our area are not allowed to drink water. Schools in this area are still closed due to no electricity. In the midst of such difficulties and hardships, God enabled us to study the book of Habakkuk through which we heard the voice of God. The personal decision of faith from Habakkuk encouraged all our coworkers to rejoice in the Lord and to be joyful in God, our Savior. (Habakkuk 3:16-18) Not having electricity makes our coworkers gather in the center and practice the beautiful common life in Jesus, sharing the words of God. I ask you to pray for all our coworkers to stay thankful, joyful and especially healthy since there are some kids who caught colds and are sick.

Yesterday, God enabled us to have a Bible Academy in the center for Rutgers students with the title of “Abba Father.” I attached some pictures of the Bible Academy. We are going to have the second day of the Bible Academy for Rutgers students today. Please pray for us to rejoice in the Lord through having the Bible Academy at Rutgers.

Thank you for your prayer and concern in Christ. 

 By John Par
