West LA Fall Conference-'A Spring of Water Flowing in the Mountains of California'

Chicago UBF

November 15, 2012
A Spring of Water Flowing in the Mountains of California
I attended the West LA Fall Conference entitled “A Spring of Water Welling Up to Eternal Life.” It was held Oct 19-21, 2012 at a conference place called The Oaks Conference and Retreat Center in the beautiful mountains located northwest of LA. This ministry serves CSUN (California State University-Northridge), located in the San Fernando Valley. The ministry consists of three sacrificial missionary families, seven dedicated shepherds, and several growing sheep. They have different teams that take care of all ministry needs: a Worship team (prepares Sunday message, songs, and the whole program); an Evangelism team (makes schedules for fishing and keeps track of Bible studies); a Serving team (cleans/decorates the Bible Center and prepares eating fellowships); a Fellowship team (prepares conferences and retreats, and plans for special events); and a Discipleship team (trains students to make a commitment to become shepherds).
I could see that it is a vibrant ministry with many dedicated servants of God. It is clearly a ministry where the students can feel love and acceptance. I really think that this is a great ministry for young students to grow in their faith. I was happy to see Grace Wolff and she looked happy together with many friends there.
Pastor Paul Chin graciously invited to give a message on John 4 and share my life testimony. So, I arrived a day early and spent my time working on these. I was happy to see the sunny 80 degree weather of California. Msn. Faith Chin prepared a nice dinner for me and we had nice fellowship. On Friday, we ate the famous “In and Out” Burger place – which has the best burgers in the USA. Then, we drove to the conference place, which was about a one hour drive – going round and round the winding roads up 3500 feet. There were breathtaking views of the mountains. Since I am from Chicago, which is flat, I was captivated by the mountains. 
West LA has a great worship team, so the music was extraordinary. I could also see that they study the Bible deeply and do so with great heart. Pastor Paul really loves the word of God  and has a great shepherd heart for others.  Friday night started with a group Bible study on John 4. Then, I gave my message on John 4 and my life testimony. I could remember the amazing grace of God upon my life and cry many tears as I prepared my message and life testimony. I remembered how Jesus gave me the Living Water, himself, and became a Spring of Water welling up to eternal life in my soul.  Afterwards and throughout the conference, many students came up to me and talked to me about life issues. I was happy that they had spiritual desire to drink the living water, Jesus.
I made friends with many of the students. I shared a cabin with 14 girls – so we became quite chummy. Each meal I ate with a group of girls – Beverly, Emily, Grace, Diane, Shen, Rachel, Caroline. We had so many things to talk about! How nice that there are many young students seeking God through this ministry. I am especially thankful that Grace and Emily struggled a lot and gave their life testimonies with deep grace. On Saturday, we had another GBS and listened to Dr. Abraham McIlhenny’s spirited message on 1 Cor 13 – We told us that the greatest aim in life is love! Moses and Emily shared their life testimonies after his message. In the afternoon, there were many fun activities, but what was most moving was everyone was working on writing their life testimonies by 3:30pm! That night, nine students shared what they wrote: Grace, Jonathan, Shen, Davale, Jason, Rachel, David, Luis and Diane. I was moved to hear how God worked in their lives. Then, we had a campfire with many lively songs. On Sunday, we had another GBS, and heard Msn. Isaac Kim’s gracious message on Psalm 1 followed by a repentant message on John 21, “Feed my Sheep” by Msn. Mark Moon. After the conference there were boating, jet-skiing and tubing.  This ministry is very precious – it is full of the word of God and I could see many young people coming and tasting the living water, and also growing in faith. I believe God is already answering their prayer topic to be a place where college students find love, acceptance, respect, significance, guidance, and encouragement. May God bless CSUN and all California campuses through their prayers and labor of love. 
By  Dr. Helen Rarick