Chicago CBF had Hallelujah Light Festival!

Chicago UBF

November 21, 2012
On October 30, 2012 at 5 pm, Chicago CBF had a joyful Halleluiah Light Festival. The HLF is our alternative to overcome the Halloween culture for our children. For many years Sh. Sarah Yu and Michelle Li did the whole program themselves but this time we joyfully all participated. Each class prepared their own game and poster and it was very creative and great coworking.
Part I, we had a message “Jesus the light of the world” (John 8:12) by Sh Matt Groters, CBF Orchestra conductor. Joanne Lee presided; prayer servant was Sh Tony King.
Part II, kids played many fun games to win candy: some fishing games, some threw rings around the bottle and get real goldfish, some face painting, rolling pumpkins, pinning the crown on Jesus blindfolded, the leap of faith, beanbag toss, etc. A professional balloon artist and ice cream sundaes added even more fun for the children. All of them were very creative, faith based games. M Theresa Sohn worked with her youngest daughter Sarah. It looked so beautiful. Poster award went to Sh Tim’s class.
CBF children and many neighbors dressed as angels, bees, pumpkins etc. This became one of outreach programs. Best costumes were chosen according to Bible characters and creativity. Awards went to Angel (Valeria Neri), Mary (Frieda Guzman), Joshua (Joshua Jung), John the Baptist (Daniel Min), Hannah (Hannah Albright)-CBF; Angel (Rebecca Llereza) and fisherman Simon Peter (Elijah Lomahan) from BBF.

May God bless our CBF children not to conform to the pattern of this world but grow to be salt and light of the world.
