St. Louis UBF had the Fall Bible Symposium

St. Louis UBF

November 26 2012

Feeling thirsty?  Quench your thirst with the living water


St. Louis UBF had the Fall Bible Symposium at Washington Univ. on Nov.15-16 based on John 3 and 4. The purpose of the symposium was to encourage the two faithful Wash U. students Bobby Stanell & Allan Ngei, who have joined the group Bible study during this fall semester. All co-workers prayed day and night, and in the midst of midterm God filled the room with more attendants than we had expected. (Thur-18, Fri- 27) Bobby and Allan shared their testimonies, and Jonathan, Peter Pei, and Kai Chan from Wash U. and non-Wash U. students such as Joe, Amber, Margaret, Julie, Priscilla, Pangaa, Lance, Chris also joined the symposium. We thanked God for Sarah Little Kim and Stephanie Polvi, who came from Chicago to support us with prayer and their testimonies. Each night the West family’s (Kit & Ben) performed beautiful worship music and warmed our hearts for Jesus. Through this symposium we learned that Jesus is the password for being born again, eternal life, and the only living water which can quench our thirsty soul. Jesus filled our hearts with joy, love, and hope through worship music, Bible study, reflection and messages. We thank God for Msn. Isaiah Lim’s stewardship and all his labor for this symposium. 