Wedding between Justin Spencer & Mary Choo

Cincinnati UBF

January 9, 2013

God established the beautiful house church of Mary and Justin Spencer on December 22nd 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio on a bright and sunny day. Sh. David Miller officiated the ceremony with Acts 20:32-25, committing the new couple to God and to the word of his grace and reminding them of the blessing of giving.

Justin used to be a wandering young person, but he found true hope in Jesus through Bible study in Cincinnati. He is now an influential servant of the Word. Mary grew up in the home of Msn. Dr. Joshua and Gloria Choo and studied the Bible from an early age. She now has a deep conviction in the gospel of Jesus and desires to learn his sacrificial life. So this new house church is a new hope for the young people of this nation and beyond.

Msn. Samuel Zun, Dr. Paul Hong and Pastor Abraham Lincoln prayed for the new couple. Mother Sarah Barry blessed the new couple with a benediction. Many co-workers came and blessed the new couple with prayers. Msn. Grace A. Lee came from Chicago to bless the new house church, and Shep. Joy Rhee came from Korea to bless them. So there was much blessing and joy overflowing during the wedding ceremony and during the reception. Thank God for his gracious work and overflowing blessing!
