Women United in Prayer, Chicago UBF

Chicago UBF

February 5, 2013

Women United in Prayer​

Recently Chicago UBF hosted a workshop on prayer designed for Chicago UBF women coworkers (teenagers and older)on Saturday, January 26, from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Chicago UBF Center. The intent of the workshop was to unite the women of the church through prayer at the beginning of the year, and to encourage women to grow in an intimate relationship with God through prayer.

​The workshop, entitled, Women United in Prayer, was attended by approximately 154 women. Dr. Helen Rarick coordinated the event and about 12 other women leaders collaborated to prepare all aspects for 2 months beforehand. 

Moreover, Little Sarah Kim organized nineteen group Bible study leaders and prayer servant teams who prayed twice a week for 2 months for each member. In addition, men coworkers served through setting up, cleaning up, babysitting, and holding their own prayer meeting simultaneously to pray for the women of the church. Consequently, the workshop successfully and graciously united women in prayer..

After opening with singing, prayer, door prizes, and ice-breakers, Dr. Helen Rarick delivered a lecture, Deepening Intimacy in Prayer Life. She based her lecture on John 6:31, which says, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” She invited the women of the church to go on a date with Jesus and spend time in a quiet place every day with Jesus in prayer. Also, she encouraged the women to engage in whole-hearted prayer, repenting their self-sufficiency and idols. Finally, she appealed to women to pray continually until God answers their prayers in his time and in his way. Finally, Dr. Helen concluded that through our whole-hearted and continual life of prayer, our desires are transformed to be like his will. In addition, we will find true joy and satisfaction as we grow in intimacy with Jesus, our true bridegroom.

​Afterwards, the women divided into 19 Bible study groups and studied 1 Samuel 1:1-28, Hannah Prays to the Lord. Each Bible study leader decorated their rooms very beautifully with flowers, balloons, tablecloths, and candles. They also prepared gifts, cookies, chocolates, drinks and cards for their members. In this way, women felt loved and pampered. Through Bible study, they meditated on Hannah’s crying out prayer and solemn vow, by which God gave her victory and peace. Ultimately, we learned that God used Hannah’s prayer and vow to raise up Samuel, a shepherd for the nation.

​After the Bible study, the women enjoyed a catered dinner in a romantic setting with flowers, pastel tablecloths, soft lights, candles, and soothing music. There they shared fellowship with one another and strengthened their friendships and bonds. When they finished, they returned to their Bible study groups and prayer servants for each group led them to prayed together for 90 minutes. They followed a format for the prayer break-out session that led them to pray, based on: P- praise God; R – repent; A – ask God; and, Y – yield to God. They also shared their Hannah’s vows and prayed around the room for each other. Then they returned to the worship hall, for more singing, prayer topics by Dr. Helen, and a final encouragement by Missionary Sarah Kim to be prayer mothers. Missionary Sarah gave us two prayer topics: First, pray for the campuses we are serving so that God may raise up many Hannahs and Samuels through our prayers and 1:1 and discipleship ministry; second, pray for the 2013 International Summer Bible Conference so that God may renew His vision and hope in our ministry worldwide and give us a revival.

​Chicago UBF hopes to continue to host workshops periodically throughout the year to support women of the church to grow spiritually and be united in God. Please pray for the women of the church to be mothers of prayer. Thank you for your love and support.

By Yvonne Timlin
