The Work of God in Victoria UBF 2012

Victoria UBF, Canada

February 19, 2013


“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)
2012 Annual Review
We started in 2012 with Psalm 1:2 “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” We tried to love the law of the Lord, and meditate on it in order to obey it. When I looked back on the last year, God guided us according to this word in spite of our shortcomings and unfaithfulness.
(1)  World Mission
Our Victoria UBF members have prayed for world mission throughout the year, especially for the work of God and coworkers of Greece, France, Kenya, Uganda, Korea, States, and Saudi Arabia chapters.
We earnestly pray that God may bless Canada as a missionary-sending country and Bible teaching country. We pray that God may raise 100 Bible teachers in Uvic campus so that Victoria may be a spiritual power station for Western Canada, North America, and the whole world.
(2)  Bible Canada
When we started 2012, we didn’t know how to serve 1:1 Bible study ministry in Uvic. It was because we had no time to visit the campus. Our two missionaries were so occupied with their restaurant business for self-support. We were also exhausted from keeping a 72 hour work week for the last two years. From a human point of view, there was no room to feed Uvic students with the word of God. We prayed to God that he might give us a chance to serve Uvic students through 1:1 Bible study.
God was listening to all our prayers for Uvic. In the early morning of June 20, there was a fire in my restaurant. Because of smoke, we had to close it for a long time. When I first got this news, I was so distressed and frustrated. But when I thought about this matter in the sight of God, there was a chance to visit Uvic campus and serve Uvic students through 1:1 Bible study. We visited Uvic campus every day and prayed for Uvic students every night. I prepared Sunday Worship Service message before God. God granted us 70 students to make a relationship with and sent us faithful Bible students; especially brothers Christian and Joshua, and sisters Holly and Christie-Anne. We were so moved by their pure hearts and great spiritual desire. May God bless them to be a blessing in this generation to Canada.
(3) My shepherd life.
The key verse for 2012 was Psalms 1:2. I tried to meditate on the word of God and feed it to Uvic students. It was my five loaves of bread of two fish for God and his work. God blessed my small spiritual struggle by sending his precious sheep from Uvic. Through 1:1 Bible studies with them and SWS message, I meditated on the word of God more deeply and tasted the deep meaning of his word every week. It was really God’s grace and favor for me.
2. 2013 Vision and Strategy
The Victoria UBF key verse for 2013 is John 12:24. This verse describes Jesus’ life and teaches us how to bear fruit in Jesus. Simply speaking, I should fall to the ground and die as Jesus did. I can understand this principle theoretically, but it is not easy to put it into practice. Through meditating on this verse and Jesus’ life, I may fall to the ground and die in my practical situation.
Prayer topics
Serve SWS message, moved by the Holy Spirit
10 1:1 studies faithfully (Christian,  Holly, Christie-Anne, Joshua)
Spiritual coworking with the new missionary family of Msn. Timothy Shin
by Joshua Park, Victoria