Calgary UBF Annual Report 2012, Alberta, Canada


Calgary UBF, Alberta, Canada
March 5, 2013

Prayer and the Ministry of the Word

I. 2012 Annual Review
A     Overview of God’s work in Calgary UBF
My annual key verse in 2012 was Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” I hoped and wanted to experience God’s power and love through the faithful life of prayer. Also we prayed that each of us might have one faithful Bible student on campus. I aimed high, but my prayer life was on and off. However, God instilled spiritual desire in us, and helped us to share the gospel with campus students. Also God gave a great victory to M. Ruth by granting her a Canadian R.N. license last November.
B      Personal Bible Study
We studied Genesis, Exodus, gospels and Christmas special lectures. The study of the Old Testament benefited us to understand the origin of the world and the historical backgrounds of God’s history. Especially our children really liked to study this with many interesting questions.
C      One-to-One Bible Study & Disciple-making Ministry
We thank God for helping and blessing us to share his gospel on campus. The more we went up to the University of Calgary campus, the more we came to love the campus and students. We earnestly prayed that each of us may have one faithful Bible student this year.
D      Conferences, Bible Schools, etc.
Last year 5 Western Canadian chapters had the first historic Western Canadian Summer Bible Conference in Valemount, British Columbia under the leadership of M. Daniel Kwon. God gathered many coworkers and many students from the West and taught God’s saving grace and mission through messages and testimonies. Meeting with many growing students helped us to see the work God had been doing and the efforts of many coworkers in each ministry, and gave us desire and hope for God’s work in University of Calgary. Thank God for blessing the conference so richly.
E      Co-working and Raising Children
My family had a chance to visit M. Joshua and Helen Park and their three children in Victoria, BC, last summer. In God we worshiped together and had a great fellowship by visiting University of Victoria campus and a beautiful sea shore. Thank God for allowing us to have a spiritual family in Him.
Thank God for M. Abraham and Petra Lee in Evanston UBF, Calgary, for their prayer and love for us. Thank God for blessing little Petra to be admitted to University of Alberta. May God bless all of them to be used preciously in his pioneering work.
Thank God for Shepherd Philip and Eunice Lee, and coworkers in Wharang UBF in Korea for supporting us with prayers and many Christian books. We thank God that Shepherd Philip got better and became healthy again.
I really wanted to forgive one person and experience true love, forgiveness and freedom, but realized that I was still bound to hatred. Whenever I remember that person, I easily become emotional. It is beyond my ability to do it because of my strong ego and stubbornness. I earnestly pray that I may accept God’s forgiveness of my sins deeply and forgive others and experience true freedom and love. May God help me to repent of my stubborn refusal to accept God’s love.
Our three children grew in many ways. Esther was a high honor student in her French emersion junior high school and served a worship service by playing piano and saxophone and serving as a prayer servant. Daniel took care of his younger brother well, and Joseph the youngest became more mature.
F      Thanksgiving Topics
God gave M. Ruth Jun a great victory by blessing her to pass a Canadian Registered Nurses Exam last November. Since she started English study in an ESL program in 2006, she had to overcome numerous barriers and tests. She felt like giving up many times, but challenged an immovable mountain like test. God blessed her to renew her R.N. license and provided her a suitable job in Alberta Health Services. May God help us to remember this great victory granted by God and use this license for God’s glory.
We thank God for keeping and using us for God’s work in Calgary despite our weaknesses. God is so faithful and long suffering. We pray that we may bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit to please God.
II. 2013 Vision and Strategy
A     2013 Key Verse
My annual key verse for 2013 is Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” I pray that I may have a close spiritual relationship with God through prayer and the ministry of the word, and have His love in my heart to forgive and serve others.
B      Conference and Bible School Plans
We pray that God may bless the International Summer Bible Conference this year so much.
C      Prayer Topics
Our prayer topics are as follows:
1      Have a close relationship with God through prayer and His words
2      24 1:1 Bible studies; 20 Sunday worshipers
3      One Abraham and one Sarah of faith
4      One humble coworker family
5      Grow our children as 2nd generation missionaries
One Word: Commit to prayer and the ministry of the word
Report by Matthew Jun