Evanston UBF Chapter Report, Canada


Evanston UBF, Canada
March 7, 2013
My 2013 Key Verse:
Ezra 7:10 “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”
When I review the last year, I found that I didn’t live according to the word of the Lord and, therefore, I felt deeply repentant. Even if I came to Canada, my mission field as a UBF missionary in 2006, I and my coworker  had to work hard like survivalists just to earn my two kits’ tuition fee  because I didn’t get a permanent residency for Canada as yet.  As I worked hard just to earn my children’s tuition fee as a common laborer, it seemed that my life was getting further and further away from the word of the Lord.  Also, my spirit was getting empty and being drained increasingly. I fell into despair when I thought about my unspiritual life in Canada. I was tortured thinking about who I am.  What should I do for a living?  These were my questions in my earlier life of faith. I realized so many things from meditating on the devotion of Ezra the priest in this new year.
“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Now I deeply repent that I was losing my identity as a missionary and was forgetting the word of the Lord.   I believe that just the word of the Lord is what I and my family need to be restored. I am praying to hold on to and study the word of the Lord in order that the light of my life may be like my earlier life of faith. 
My prayer topics are:
I pray to eat and pray at 5 o’clock in the morning every day.
I pray to write a reflection like a message for deep repentance and study.
I pray to read and study the English Bible for growing as a servant of the word of the Lord.
I pray to visit and to go fishing at the University of Mount Royal twice a week.
Ministry Report
At the beginning of last year, my coworker and I worked together with Msn Matthew Jun’s family. Even if we have pioneered each campus, we have visited the University of Mount Royal and University of Calgary, our mission fields, in rotation. At the campus, we have been accumulating an altar of prayer and sharing our testimonies for pioneering the campuses of Calgary almost every week.  During the Easter holidays, we served a joint Easter worship service at the Calgary UBF center. Peter Jr. served as a presider with fluent English. Msn Matthew Jun delivered the Easter message.
We had a wonderful spiritual and graceful fellowship with an abundant dinner as we celebrated Easter evening. The 1st Western Canada Summer Bible Conference opened at the Jasper National Park on Aug. 24-27.  I attended there with Petra Jr. After ten hours of driving, we arrived at the conference place. Even if I attended just 2 days, I received the grace of God fully through the message and dance and music programs. All attendants prayed earnestly for western Canada ministry during the conference. Peter Jr. has been studying at the Bow Valley College in Calgary the last year.  He served our Sunday worship service as a presider. His major is business administration. He wants to study continually at the University of Calgary after graduating from Bow Valley College. In September, Petra Jr. entered the faculty of general science in the University of Alberta. She has received so many awards at the John Diefenbaker High School during her school days there. After entering the University of Alberta, she moved to Edmonton. Therefore, she began attending the Sunday worship service at the Edmonton UBF. With her nice personality, she invited her friend Linda to the Sunday worship service. She served the Christmas worship service with a special song at Edmonton UBF. Now she is serving the Sunday worship service as a presider for Edmonton UBF. Also, Peter Jr. and Petra Jr. have been growing spiritually as second generation missionaries for the last year. My coworker, Msn Sarah Petra Lee has served our family devotedly. She worked hard for two kit’s tuition fee with me. She also has eaten daily bread and prayed with me in the early morning. Even though she has a weak physical condition, the Almighty Lord has protected her health during the last year. Thanks for your prayer support from Korea UBF and Chicago UBF for our chapter.
One Word: Study and keep and teach the word of the Lord!
By Abraham Lee