U of I UBF Went on a Road Trip to Washington DC

U of  I  UBF, USA

March 30, 2013

How good and pleasant when brothers live together in unity. Psalm 133.1

From Saturday March 16 to Friday March 22 our University of Illinois (U of I)  students went on a road trip to Washington DC.

Our key verse was Psalm 133:1, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in community.” Interwoven throughout the trip was 1 Corinthians 15, studied in 3 parts. 18 members set out to enjoy fellowship with Christ and with each other. Many of the attendants were new to the Bible  and its teachings so we prayed that the message of the gospel could be planted during the trip.

Saturday we drove all day and ended with a Bible study. Sunday we attended the Washington UBF worship service and enjoyed soccer and eating. Monday we toured the capital and visited 2 museums. Tuesday we had our second bible study and reflection writing in the morning and volunteered at a food bank.

Thursday we headed home, but not before we stopped by our nation’s original capital, Philadelphia. On the way one car hit the guardrail. The car was totaled and one student went to the hospital overnight. We thank God for no major injuries. We thank God for the opportunity to show love expressed in faith. Finally, we returned home on Friday.That evening we had a joint meeting with Washington’s YDJ (Young Disciples). Dr. Sam and 4 students: Paul Timlin, Daniel Mederich, Charlie Kim, and Shannon Lin shared testimonies. We praise God that we could meditate on Paul’s logical and clear explanation of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  It was a wakeup call to daily die to our sins and live for the gospel. On Wednesday 10 University of Maryland students joined us for ocean visit camping and our final bible study.

Nothing can be done by itself. Many helped us. We thank several sponsors: U of I Student fund, Chicago UBF for the van, students under the leadership of Sammy Lee for raising fund, UIC UBF for sending Sarah Little, Washington UBF for providing lodging and many meals, Washington UBF YDJ for welcoming us and the German UBF for providing a DC guide.

Most of all we thank our LORD Jesus who died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, buried and rose from the dead in accordance with the Scriptures  and giving us a new vision  and enabled us to travel together with brothers and sisters in Jesus and experienced the reality of Jesus’ gospel .

Continue to pray for us to go deeper with Christ.
