Jeremy Hajek's New Directorship Testimony, Dupage UBF

Dupage UBF

June 17, 2013

John 11:41 " Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

I would like to start by thanking all the saints gathered here for their hard work in the Lord and all their support for Dupage-UBF ministry over the years.  I would also like to thank Msn. Gideon Bahn, Msn David Kim, and Msn Monica Barry for their initial pioneer work at COD in the Dupage area.  Dupage ministry has been blessed by believing in God and watching God working mightily.  As we continue to trust in the Lord and serve him we will continue to see the glory of God. 

Dupage-UBF had the blessing of using a house nearby campus for our ministry for many years, recently we are renting a classroom on the campus.  Now we face the decision to try to purchase a permanent building that can be zoned for a church and be a center for the work of God going on in Dupage Country. 

Almost 11 years ago Msn David Kim told me that we would one day have a ministry here in Dupage and that his family would move out there.  I laughed at him when he said this.  It was because I did not have any faith in God to establish a ministry in the suburbs when we were already part of a large church at the Chicago center.  But over time by faith in God, his grace was continually revealed.  Many persons came through the door to study the word of God and worship God with us in our ministry. Many people came to Christ through our ministry.   Despite being small and worshiping in a house—when we believed the glory of God was continually revealed. 

Over a month ago our ministry received a new chance to see the glory God revealed.   Msn David Kim informed us that he received a call to go to Indiana to continue the work of God in ministering there.  This looked like trouble as our pastor was leaving—what would we do without him? In addition to that, he asked me to help lead this ministry with the support of Msn Gideon.  At first I thought like prophet Jeremiah when God called him in Jeremiah 1:6-7 “Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”But the Lordsaid to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord."

How could I help direct this ministry?  First by prayer and depending on the Lord.   I know I am not worthy of this great honor and no man can aspire to this position.  Only by the grace of God and in full accordance with the Lord can one help a ministry.

Present Ministry Situation

Our ministry numbers are small.  We have 15 members which about 8-12 attend every Sunday.  Soon we will be transitioning our members in a few short weeks as they go out to pioneer and another recently established family joins the Lincoln Park ministry. Those that remain are a faithful core. Now we are raising a third generation of disciples. 

After the missionaries that came first, myself and Matthew Monroe form the second generation.  Matthew Monroe has battled serious health issues and has been a faithful setup man and orchestra leader for over 10 years.  Our third generation of disciples includes Matt Cizek and Paula Terova. Matt Cizek is a student at Elmhurst College, who through the Galatians Bible Study now himself is a Bible teacher for students at Elmhurst College and COD as well as inviting his parents and brother to the Lord.  Michael Ulrich was a friend of Msn Gideon Bahn’s son from a young age of 8.  Though his family has been through deep dark issues, and he himself struggling with serious sins, he has still managed to always come back to the Lord and is a faithful member now who comes on his own because the Lord has worked in his heart.   Isaac Bahn and Sarah Bahn lead our singsperation teacm throughout their entire high school years in Dupage UBF.  Recently new students Josh, Jose, Brittany, Amanda, and a few others have began coming faithfully to Sunday Service.

Recently old students began coming back through Msn Gideon and Mary Bahn. Through their love for the Bible and for long lost Bible students, Gary Zeimba who come back to the gospel even after 10 years away.  Also they are helping one man who has been a member for over 12 years help him commit to Sunday service and help his wife and two kids who immigrated from Russia. 

My wife Msn Susanna, in addition to raising 2 young children, still has Bible study with students online and then they receive her invitation and come to Sunday Service.  Also our ministry is firmly rooted in the scripture and in prayer and testimony writing.  With these core gospel workers and belief in God, we will see the Glory of God in Dupage county come.  


Our ministry encompasses people of all ages and nations and backgrounds.  In this way we are truly an American church made to minister to God’s people in Dupage County which is a diverse county.  With a solid home to gather and worship in and study the Bible our direction is to help this third generation commit their hearts to Jesus and help them establish families of God that can reach and help a fourth generation come to the Lord.  The core gospel workers mentioned above allow us to support each other and help each other and share the work load of the cross of Christ.  With myself as a professor at IIT and Msn Gideon praying to join academia at a local university, we want to anchor our families to help lead Dupage ministry into the future.  We are committed to 1 to 1  Bible study, Sunday Service, and sharing Friday testimonies—not just because it is "UBF tradition" but because we honestly believe in the ability to build a community sharing the word of God in this way and for the future.  We will maintain a weekly elders Bible study between my family and Msn Gideon Bahn’s family as well. 

One last thing to share,I was reminded last Sunday – while in line to checkout at a store, I met a man from another ministry who also evangelizes at COD 1 to 1.  He told me that 99 people came to Christ through his ministry last year.  The numbers are not important but what it told me was that there is surely a need for bible teachers and there is a willing remnant desiring to hear the gospel preached in Dupage County. 

One Word:  If you believe you will see the glory of God at Dupage UBF

By Jeremy Hajek
