The Testimony of David Kim's Indianapolis UBF Pioneering

Indianapolis UBF

June 19, 2013

Therefore Go and Make Disciples of All Nations

Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Last year, God blessed my first daughter Hannah to establish a beautiful house church with Augustine Park. Two weeks ago, God blessed my second daughter Esther to marry Philip Chang. In the midst of God’s blessing on my two daughters to live independent lives from us, God continually began to ask me and my wife what kind of lives we want to live. Last January, we realized that there is no UBF in Indianapolis, which is the 11th biggest city in U.S.A. and is located 3 hours away driving distance from Chicago. We talked each other saying, “IUPUI, Indiana University and Purdue University are all in Indianapolis, and there are a lot of jobs in the city, but, it is very strange that there is no UBF chapter there. Why?” 

One day while praying, God spoke to us, saying, “It is not strange. Why don’t you go and pioneer?” Suddenly, we felt the burden of responsibility. We had a hidden desire to live an easygoing life, managing our DuPage ministry and enjoying our future grandchildren. We could not understand why God spoke to us like this. However, when we talked about our vision for pioneering Indianapolis to our UBF leaders and my two daughters, they were very happy and began to pray for us. A few weeks later while having group bible study based on Acts 2:17, one man of God said that ‘even though we become old, if we have a vision, we are still young people.’ At that moment, God blessed me to realize that my wife and I are still young and full of vision. God helped me to make a bold decision to pioneer Indianapolis before it was too late after giving my leadership to Shepherd Jeremy Hajek, who is very clear in God’s calling for DuPage, and asking Dr. Gidion Bahn’s family to support him with the love of Christ.

Soon after, Joy and I visited IUPUI that has 32,000 students. While looking at college students, the Holy Spirit gave me a fire in my heart and reminded me of Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” In fact, Joy and I do not want to live an easygoing life in a comfort zone in our old age. We want to obey Jesus’ great commission and live a challenging and adventurous life. We want to devote ourselves to change North America into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation by saving young campus souls with the Gospel of Jesus. Amen!


Thank God who blessed my family to receive full support through Dr. Gideon Bahn’s family for the last 11 years! Thank God who raised Shepherd Jeremy Hajek’s family as a faithful house church! Bless our remaining Bible students and DuPage UBF to have a Bible house.

Prayer topics;

May God bless Joy and me to plant a new UBF church in Indianapolis! May God bless our children’s house churches to live a Christ-Centered and Mission Centered life. Send mission partners to DuPage and Indianapolis.                                    

One Word: “Therefore, go and make disciples.”

 By David Kim
