Chicago CBF had Elijah Bible School

Chicago UBF

July 11, 2013

Chicago CBF had Elijah Bible School on June 24-28 at the Chicago center.

We have been studying Bible characters through our Bible school as an annual event. This year, we chose Elijah in 1 and 2 Kings in the Old Testament to learn about his faith and spirit. 1King 18:21b says, “….How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him….” Elijah showed himself with clear identity as a servant of God, and at the same time he challenged his people to stand in the side of God and follow God.

Especially this Bible school was focus on our 8th graders who will be graduated from CBF on August 31and begin new chapter of life in HBF. For this purpose, we appointed seven 8th graders as Elijah messengers. It was a lillte bit uneasy thing for us. But we had first experiment 25 years ago that 8th graders delivered 1 Corinthians 15 successfully. So through much prayers, it turned out to be connected to the  children and became one of  the meaningful Bible school.

1. “Elijah’s Courageous Faith” (1Kings 16:29-18:15) - John Robinson / Andrew Gangte

2. “Make a Decision for God”  (1Kings 18:16-46) - Joanna Yu / Jessica Mun

3. “God Cares for Elijah”         (1Kings 19:1-18) - Deborah Pozo / Rachel Miller

4. “Elisha Inherits a Double Portion of Elijah’s Spirit” (1Kings 19:19-21, 2Kings 2:1-18) - Joanne Lee

Under the leadership of Sh. Tim McEthron and M. Birgit Pierce, they were trained in Bible study, testimony, message writing and message presentation. Due to their first experience to delivery message, they were overwhelmed in many ways. However, they accepted what they were told and passed on God’s words with spirit. We are sure that they may not forget this spiritual experience and keep the words of God which they delivered in their hearts throughout their life.

Secondly, we had 5 voluntary teachers for Bible school: Samuel Rarick (HBF), Joseph Wang Jr(HBF), Jonathan Cho(HBF),Miriam Pierce (HBF), Faith Lim (Uganda).

This opportunity in Bible school gave them hands on teaching Bible experience and class control so that they will be good CBF teachers and 1:1 Bible teachers in their near future.

Also there were several CBF alumni such as Moses Lee, David Won, John Lee, Esther Ahn and many others helped outdoor activities throughout 4 days Bible school.

Many parents prepared everyday snacks very prayerfully and abundantly out of their willing heart and sacrificially. When we worked together (teachers, messengers, parents, even  alumni) with same goal for the children ministry, We saw spiritual benefits to our CBF children as well as beautiful Christian community.

We have to mention one family, M. David and Sarah Won with their 3 sons. Although they live in Virginia, they joined  in Chicago CBF conference and Bible school every year. Their participation encouraged us to make these events better and meaningful more and more. We pray that not only Chicago CBF, but also North America as well as whole world may join together serve the Little ones ministry for the next generation.

CBF serving servant    
