News from Gideon Shin, Hannah Shin and Ryan Boyd, U of I UBF



July 13, 2013

Gideon Shin and his wife Hannah Shin will move to Springfield, MA. Gideon  who  received a  Civil engineering Ph.D. from University of Illinois (U of I) and did one year post at U of I.   Gideon will  start his new job as an assistant professor at Western New England University. His family will move in the month of July. Gideon is a first Ph.D. from U of I and starting his career as a prof. May God raise many more Ph.D. shepherds from U of I..

Ryan Boyd, who has been studying with Gideon Shin and has been reading Exodus Breakfast Club in the summer  will move to Seoul, Korea as an assistant professor of English at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. Ryan received his ESL master degree from the U of I. We pray for him to build his house on the solid rock of Jesus and pray for him to three Ms (Mercy of God, mission and marriage by God's grace.)

 Sam Lee