ISBC Report; So Loved, So Love


August 7, 2013

So Loved, So Love

Thank God for blessing our 2013 International Summer Bible Conference. Through the conference, we accepted Jesus’ love and decided to so love the world. From August 1-4, at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA/Canada UBF hosted the 2013 International Summer Bible Conference with the title, “So Loved, So Love.” Around 2,735 attendants came from 71 countries, as well as 11 special guests from other ministries.  There were 16 messages, 27 life testimonies, 4 world mission night programs, 7 world mission videos by continent, group Bible studies with testimony sharing, 38 interest group sessions, various special music and dance programs, a skit and dramatic animation of a Bible passage, and sports tournaments. Praise and worship teams from New York and Lincoln Park, Chicago, served all the general sessions. A united UBF orchestra served all the special music. We prayed for good weather and we enjoyed mostly cool and sunny weather throughout.  Located in hilly Pennsylvania, the campus is new with modern accommodations and beautiful landscaping.

During the first evening, Sarah Barry, general director emeritus, led an opening prayer. Then, Andreas Hassani of Heidelberg, Germany, delivered a message on John 13. He revealed Jesus’ unconditional love for his disciples through his example of washing their feet. From this passage, the conference theme, “So Loved, So Love,“ was derived. The message was followed by life testimonies by Samuel Palaka of India and Sara Neusa Figueiredo of Portugal. Samuel planted a church in Delhi North, persevered through persecution, and experienced God’s mighty hand through prayer to evangelize Hindus. Through Genesis, Sara Neusa accepted God as her father and decided to serve Portugal mission as a mother of faith and a professor shepherdess. 

On the second day, Mark Moran of Berkeley, California, delivered a message on John 14. His message convinced us that Jesus is the only Way to the Father, and through knowing Jesus, we can know God. Afterwards, Ailed Flores of Mexico City, shared her  Bible testimony, revealing how she found the way of salvation in Jesus, accepted the truth of Jesus’ unconditional love, and received life direction to serve lost college students at any cost.

In the afternoon, Moses Oyor of Sudan shared his life testimony of being a missionary to Muslims in Egypt and his decision to remain in volatile South Sudan as a shepherd. Afterwards, a special guest (whose identity must be protected) shared her testimony as a missionary to Muslims for three decades. She emphasized that Christ’s love must be first shown and then told, in order to reach those who mistrust Christians.

In the evening, there were four inspiring, festive world mission programs highlighting the work of God throughout eight major areas of the world: Europe/Africa, CIS/Middle East, Asia/Oceania, and Canada/Latin America. Each world mission report was prepared by a host chapter. (Los Angeles--Eur./Afr., Montreal--CIS/M.E., Washington D.C.--Asia/Oc., and New York--Lat. Am./Can.) The programs consisted of a message on John 4:35-38, life testimonies, world mission videos, and special music. The messages were delivered by James Wood (United Kingdom), Alexey Belykh (Moscow), Luvsansambuu Gundash (Mongolia), and Dimas Blanco (Guatemala). We prayed that through these programs, young people would be inspired by God to go as missionaries into the harvest fields of the world.

On the third day, James Odejimi of Lagos, Nigeria, and Abraham McIlhenny of Los Angeles delivered the message on John 15-16 in two parts. God miraculously answered prayer and granted James a U.S. visa to come and speak at this conference. From his message, we learned that we can do nothing unless we remain in Jesus. From Abraham’s message, we were encouraged to testify to Jesus, depending on the Holy Spirit who is with us, and believe that God will do whatever we ask in prayer.  Afterwards, Katya Barry of Kiev, Ukraine, shared her Bible testimony on the passage. Through Christ’s love, she could overcome the power of death from her father’s death at the age of 4, and God used her as a fruitful Bible teacher. Katya decided to remain in Jesus and trust in him to bear a child, in spite of her 0.0005% possibility.

On Saturday afternoon there were over 38 interest groups to enrich our Christian lives. There were also sports tournaments in soccer and basketball. We all gathered for an outdoor barbecue and a gracious time of fellowship during dinner. In the evening, Gustavo Prato, of Venezuela, delivered the message on John 19. It was again God's gracious answer to prayer to grant him a U.S. visa to come and speak, though he  had been rejected twice before. Through his message we were convicted to believe Jesus’ power to forgive and take away our sins, through Jesus’ words on the cross, “It is finished.” He shared his testimony of trusting in Jesus to remove lingering guilt from his sins and enable him to take responsibility as the pastor of Venezuela UBF.

HBF and MBF held their own programs simultaneously during the day. HBF messengers were Jason Perry, of New Jersey (Jn 14), and  Elias Lee, of Koln, Germany (Jn 15); MBF messengers were Andries Coetsee, of South Africa (Jn 14),  and Joseph Horvath, of Chicago (Jn 15). Their members joined the evening programs. Children from 6 months old to 11 years old joined child care, with messages, activities and games based on the conference Bible passages, and joined their parents in the evenings for family devotions.

After the message on John 19, Ron Ward, Chicago UBF senior pastor, led an altar call. The mighty work of the Holy Spirit was evident as over 230 young people stepped forward to accept Christ, including many HBF and MBF members. Hundreds of leaders also rededicated their lives to Christ. We praise and thank God for leading them to dedicate their lives to Christ and pray for them as they begin their personal walk with Christ.

On the fourth day, Heather Koch, of Los Angeles, and Abraham Lee, of Washington D.C., delivered a two-part message on John 20. Through Heather’s message, we could believe the fact that Christ is risen and accept him as our true hope, letting go of our dead hopes. Through Abraham’s message, we could let go of our fears and anxieties which are rooted in death and accept the Risen Christ’s command, “I am sending you.” Over 300 children sang in chorus during the offering.

Afterwards, Mark Vucekovich, USA UBF coordinator, led a missionary pledge. Those who felt God’s leading signed a pledge and placed it in the offering. About 250 people pledged to be missionaries. Then David Kim, Korea UBF director gave the closing message on Matthew 28:17-20. It is Jesus, the Lord of lords, who is sending us. Believing his promise to be with us always, we should make disciples by teaching the Bible and helping  people to obey Jesus’ teachings.

Abraham Kim, UBF general director, gave concluding prayer topics: 1. Take the initiative to love others; 2. Teach the Bible and make disciples, until we plant house churches in all the major cities and campuses of the world; 3. Depend on the Holy Spirit through prayer.  Afterwards, John Jun, general director emeritus, prayed the final benediction.

We praise and thank God and give all glory to him, who by his grace alone is working among us all over the world We are grateful for everyone’s hard work and prayers. We also pray for the 2014 European and CIS international summer conferences.

Conference messages, testimonies, and World Mission videos can be viewed by visiting the website.

by Yvonne Timlin
