Dr. Samuel & Msn. Anna Lee Visited Milwaukee for CME Ministry

Zimbabwe UBF

August 17, 2013

Praise God who sent Dr. Samuel H. and Msn. Anna O. Lee to Milwaukee UBF.  After visiting Chicago Headquarters (July 8-13), U of I (July 13-15), and St. Louis (July 15-18), they visited our Milwaukee ministry (July 18-22) upon our invitation.  Thank God who richly blessed us with the fellowship, group Bible study, special song, testimony, mission report, and messages they provided us. 

At our Friday meeting, we were blessed by the group Bible study led by Dr. Samuel Lee on “Walk by the Holy Spirit” based on Galatians 5:16.  We learned the importance of balanced view of the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and walking by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is omniscient, omnipotent, and the eternal God, who is the third person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is the personal God who has the traits of intellect, feeling, and will.  The Holy Spirit is the very object of our worship and praise and glory.  This divine and personal God dwells in the hearts of all Christians. What a blessing it is for us to have an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit as a Christian!  The work of the Holy Spirit is amazing.  The Holy Spirit convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.  The Holy Spirit empowers, gives life, and gives power for service. The Holy Spirit purifies, reveals, and unifies.  What an amazing work of the Holy Spirit!  We can be filled with the Holy Spirit when we repent of our sins, seek God in prayer earnestly, and obey the words of God.  When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit, love one another, and make disciples. We can have a beautiful community of Christ. We can be led by the Holy Spirit, who is our Lord and King.  We can walk by the Holy Spirit and live by the Holy Spirit as children of God.  What a blessed life it is to walk by the Holy Spirit! We earnestly prayed that we may repent of our sins, seek God in prayer sincerely, and obey God’s words until we are filled with the Holy Spirit and walk by the Holy Spirit as children of God.

At our worship service, Dr. Samuel and Msn. Anna blessed us with special songs, “Near the cross,” and “Lord, I want to be a Christian.” Many were moved with tears as they sang filled with the Holy Spirit.  After the special hymn, Msn. Anna shared her testimony/mission report with the title, “God so loved the world.”  She praised God who saved her out of the pit of darkness and made her a mother of nations.  Praise God who has used her as a mother of many nations in Korea and now in Zimbabwe.  God has formed Sarah Team, a team of women students who are growing as future spiritual mothers for Zimbabwe. Among them God sent Apolonia to Korea as the first student missionary to Kye Myung University, Korea. They are praying for her to receive good spiritual training, return to become a prayer mother and professor shepherdess of Korean language in the University of Zimbabwe.

Dr. Samuel Lee blessed us with the message, “The fullness of Christ,” based on Ephesians 4:13.  Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, Jesus opened the way for us to be united with God and other believers.  It is not easy, however, to love others who are different from us.  But when we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can accept one another, love one another and bless one another from our hearts.  We need to grow in the image of Christ until we attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.  It was not easy for him and his wife to leave for Africa at the age of 68 and 63, especially leaving behind their four little grandchildren. It was possible, however, when they obeyed the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  By the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they could empty themselves and denounce all the privilege as retired Director of Korea UBF in Korea and go to Zimbabwe as laymen silver missionaries in their late 60’s.  God accepted their sacrifice, prayer and obedience and opened the way for him to start Korean classes at the University of Zimbabwe. Last semester, he had 120 students. Among them many are coming to Bible study and worship service. When they meet Dr. Samuel and Msn. Anna at the campus, they call him “Abuji” and her “Umani.” We praise and thank God for the mighty work of the Holy Spirit in and through them in Zimbabwe.  May the Lord give them good health and God’s protection. May the Lord plant the gospel faith and the hope of God in the hearts of many young people and raise many spiritual leaders who can worship and serve God as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation for the future of Zimbabwe. May the Lord richly bless their ministry and fellowship of the Holy Spirit among all the mission coworkers in Zimbabwe.
