Washington UBF Coworkers Host the International Guests Wholeheartedly!

Washington UBF, USA

August 24, 2013
Praise God for blessing the 2013 ISBC at Indiana University in Pennsylvania with God's love and vision. God blessed Washington UBF coworkers to host our international guests wholeheartedly before the Lord. God expanded our love beyond imagination after we received the love of God through powerful messages. We shared love and vision and common values we cherished while eating together and touring Washington DC.
We saw President Lincoln's lofty goals to keep United States of America as one nation under God as we observed his statue with different facial expressions and hand positions at any cost. Indeed, he saved the nation from division. He envisioned that the government would be the government of the people and by the people and for the people. He is the symbol of national unity.
We visited the Martin Luther King memorial. He said, "I have a dream... someday all men are created equal before the Creator God." He believed that one day all men would eat together at the same place regardless of color, race, nationality, and religion.
His dream was realized when America elected President Obama. 
The Korean War memorial has an inscription on the wall, "Freedom is not free." Indeed, so many young American soldiers sacrificed their lives to keep the freedom of the Korean people. 
We visited the Capital building, National Aerospace Museum, Natural History museum, and American History Museum and Art Gallery. At night we had fellowship together sharing the history of Washington and hearing testimonies of the guests.
We were so happy being together that the time passed quickly and many people gave big bear hugs and said tearful good-byes. It was a mini-feast of the kingdom of God with people from north, south, east and west. Though overwhelmed, I had a good time with so many wonderful people of God who will inherit the kingdom of God as heirs of God and co-heirs of Christ. 
Attached you will find some pictures and thank you notes.
In Christ,
Jacob Lee