God's Work through the Post ISBC Bible Study in Chicago

Chicago UBF
August 28, 2013
Thank God for His love. It was a great privilege to serve the second generations before and after the conference. I thank God for his work in their hearts. I especially thank God for raising Samuel Lee, Paul Choi, Anna and Paul Lee and Faith Lim as spiritual leaders for their generation. I am thankful for their help before and during the conference for overseas registration.
God worked mightily through post conference bible study. Timothy Lee from Belgium accepted Jesus and was baptized by Mother Barry. Johannes Schauwienold from Heidelberg opened his heart through bible study and wants to continue Romans study when he returns. Priska repented of her sins and accepted John 8, "Neither do I condemn you...go now and leave your life of sin." The journey team from Koln came with a tourist spirit but left with gospel faith and a new desire to study the bible. Thank God for his great work and his faithfulness. Thank God for many parents who prayed for their children. Thank God for Chicago coworkers who served meals and for the leaders who welcomed them. May God bless the European Conference 2014.
In Christ,

By Little Sarah
