Chicago UBF
August 29, 2013


“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18b-20)
Praise and thank Jesus who gave us the world mission command for the sake of world salvation, and blessed CBF children’s world mission night abundantly.
On August 13, Tuesday night, right after 2013 ISBC, Chicago CBF children presented a world mission project at Chicago main center. The world mission presentation was to study, research mission fields and interview frontline missionaries, and summarize with geographical and demographical aspects and practical UBF mission works through each nation’s report, skit with traditional clothes, music or dancing. Through their one month preparation and presentation each of our children felt like they were frontline missionaries who were confronting and resolving difficult challenges. At the same time they experienced agony, joy, hope and vision in world mission.
We, CBF, have been offering a “world mission presentation” program in our summer conference for the last 15 years continuously. We divided the children into 5 groups with the 8th graders as group leaders while 1st through 7th graders were group members. Each group was given a nation to study for about a month time period, especially both mission and missionaries’ life of faith. In this way, little children even 1st graders come to know what world mission is all about. In 2013 the chosen nations to be researched were Uganda, Russia, Australia, Brazil and Greece. Due to the 2013 ISBC, Chicago had several guests from those countries: Faith Lim (Uganda), Paul Choi and Samuel Lee (Russia), Anna and Paul Lee (Australia), Grace Kim (Brazil) and Stamatis Savvanis (Greece). Because of their presence in Chicago each group could interview them and find out their prayer topics and works of God. It was beautiful to see their hard work for their world mission presentation in this hot summer while others were preparing ISBC. In addition, the co-working of 1st to 8th graders for this single purpose was remarkable and meaningful from their young ages.
In order to motivate and encourage them, we evaluated their presentations based on some specific areas such as map, flag, history, work of God, prayer topics, group members’ co-working, and leadership with creativeness in their reports.
Usually we did this program at our summer Bible conference. Therefore, not so many people knew about the world mission presentation. However, this year we couldn’t have CBF summer Bible conference due to supporting ISBC so we encouraged the children to have a world mission project at Chicago center. In this way world mission night came about, and parents and others could learn about the CBF world mission.
Through this presentation, we learned that we must train our growing second generation with world mission hope and vision. It is because Jesus’ world mission command is not just one or two generations’ work, but a multigenerational task. Also, we must believe that our children can participate in world mission in many ways such as: letter writing, card sending, prayers, world mission presentation and so on.
May God raise many world mission minded second generation children so that they may join with us to preach the gospel of Jesus to the ends of the earth beginning with Chicago, North America and reaching the whole world.   Amen.
Prepared by a CBF servant