General Director’s ISBC Closing Announcement

General Director’s ISBC Closing Announcement


Praise God who has been with us and poured out his love into our hearts throughout this conference. We learned that our destination is our Father’s house, and Jesus is the way to the Father. Jesus came to save us and enable us to bear fruit. Jesus showed us how to bear fruit in three aspects.


First, take initiative to love first. God so loved us that he gave his only Son. He loves us as ones born to be loved. Do you believe that you are born to be loved? Do you believe that the brothers and sisters around you are also born to be loved? When we accept God’s love, we can love anyone. Jesus said, “Now that I have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet” (Jn 13:14). Jesus died for my sin and your sin. As Jesus took the initiative to love first, we have to take the initiative to love first. Jesus gave us this new command so that we may have his joy (Jn 15:11). Do you want to be joyful? Love first! Try it! 


Second, teach the word of God and make disciples. Jesus did mainly two things to glorify the Father: 1. He taught the word of God and preached the good news; 2. He loved people one by one and raised disciples by giving himself. What do you think people of our time need most? It is the word of God that gives us life, transformation, and hope. Let’s devote ourselves to studying the word of God and to teaching it to college students and teenagers. Let’s pray that we may give ourselves to one to one Bible study and making disciples. We face many challenges. But the world is ripe for harvest (Jn 4:35). Let’s pray that we may plant house churches in all the major cities and campuses of all countries of the world, including 136 countries to be reached by UBF.          


Third, depend on the Holy Spirit and testify to Jesus. The Risen Jesus promised and sent the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is Immanuel, God with us, as Jesus is. He carries out God’s life-giving work through our prayer and the ministry of the word (Ac 6:4). Practically speaking, Jesus left nothing for the disciples except the promise of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is all sufficient for us to live victorious and fruitful lives. Jesus said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses” (Ac 1:8). And he said, “…he will testify about me. And you also must testify…” (Jn 15:26-27). We have been here with those who were persecuted, imprisoned, and even lost their loved ones to testify to Jesus. Like them, we should testify with Jesus’ life-giving love. Jesus, the Lord of lords and King of kings, is with us always through the Holy Spirit. Let’s trust and depend on the Holy Spirit through prayer and boldly testify to Jesus. 


I’d like thank all who prepared this conference with all your hearts, all international delegates and honored guests who have come to bless this conference. There will be European and CIS international conferences in August next year. In 2015, there will be Latin America regional conferences.


As we are going back to our places, let’s remember the Lord’s promise, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (Jn 15:7).


Prayer topics:

  1. Remain in Jesus, taking the initiative to love first.
  2. Teach the word of God and raise disciples until we reach all the major cities and campuses of all countries of the world.
  3. Depend on the Holy Spirit, boldly testifying to Jesus.
  4. 2014 European and CIS international conferences.

