Greetings from Chapel Hill UBF, NC

Chapel Hill UBF, US

September 1, 2013

"Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life." John 3:14-15



Last Sunday, Carolina UBF was blessed to participate in 2013 UNC FallFest; it was our first involvement since we have been recognized by the University in 2012. This time I would like to introduce our new student president in a picture taken at the event.

Mike Allan (our new student president at the center) and Greg Grissom (the former student president on the right) Greg graduated from UNC the Spring and got a job at EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) at Research Triangle Park and is co-working with my family in serving college students from UNC as well as Duke University. Please remember Mike and Greg in your prayers. 

Thank you!

Stephen Seo, Chapel Hill, NC
