Late Dr. Samuel Lee’s First Memorial Service Report by Dr. Paul Koh

Chicago UBF

October 9, 2013

“For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Ezra 7:10

We praise God who blessed 1st memorial service, remembering late Dr. Samuel Lee’s last legacy, “Back to the Bible.” On October 5, 1st memorial service was held at the cemetery with the theme, “Back to the Bible.” 100 chairs were set up, but 132 co-workers including 23 outside guests attended.

The service began with the prayers of Elder Jim Rarick and Dr. Peter Chang from Bonn UBF. It was followed by P. Abraham Kim’s welcoming address.

The main lecture was delivered by M. Daniel Rhee from South Africa, with the theme, “Ezra’s devotion to Bible study” based on Ezra 7:10. When Israel people had returned to Jerusalem from 70 years in Babylon captivity, many things could have been done for the restoration of their nation. But God sent Ezra who was a great Bible teacher. At this critical period, Ezra had devoted himself to Bible study. In short, Ezra’s devotion to Bible study was a source of a national revival. M. Daniel Rhee’s lecture could be summarized in 3 ways. First, the conventional ways of UBF Bible study was introduced as “The author’s perspective,” “Inductive Bible study method.” Second, in America, Dr. Lee passed through many hardships, trials and persecutions for 19 years. In adversities, he did not fight a human battle, but fought a spiritual battle through intensive Bible study until God turned it into fruitful victory. Through deep Bible study, Dr. Lee grasped the main flow of the Bible and he found God’s great hope for his chosen people who were enslaved for 430 years. It was for them to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Dr. Lee believed that God had the same hope for America. We have prayed for North America to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Third, Dr. Lee struggled with the Sunday passage throughout the whole week until one word of God came to him like the morning star rising in his heart. (2 Peter 1:19b) As a result, he could plant one word in the hearts of Sunday attendants through his prayer topics and announcements.

After the main lecture, a beautiful poem was delivered by M. Hannah Ryu from Mainz UBF, translated by Grace Koh , entitled “Go back to the Bible.” It was really heart moving. Dr. Sam A. Lee from U of I delivered a joyful personal testimony regarding what his father prayed for him. Dr. Sam’s major was chemistry. So his father prayed for him, “You may study the Bible diligently until you grasp the basic chemistry of the Bible.” Because of his father’s prayer, Dr. Sam learned how to delight in the word of God and mediate on it day and night. We prayed for him to be one of blessed men (Ps 1:2,3), imitating his father’s example.

Two prayer topics were given by a presider, Shepherd Rich Ryzewski. First, pray for Ezra’s devotion to Bible study as the clear direction of our ministry. Second, as Dr. Lee gave a prayer topic, may America raise up 10,000 Bible teachers and send them out so that America may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Our service ended with Mother Barry’s closing prayer.
