Indianapolis UBF Prayer Topics

Indianapolis UBF, USA

October 11, 2013

"You must be born again" (John 3:1-15)

Key Verse; Matthew 28: 18-20 "'Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”'

1. World Mission:
Thank God who blessed ISBC with the theme, “So Loved”. Help us to take initiative to love others first as Jesus loved us first! Thank God who uses Abraham Kim as a general director. Bless his trip to Mongolia and Korea. Bless CME through John Jun and Samuel Lee and encourage missionaries throughout the world.
Bless the upcoming KIMNET Conference in Philadelphia (October 9-11) by sending Joseph and Maria Ahn, Joan Seo, Jacob Lee, Isaac and Rebecca Kim, David and Joy Kim. Continually use Sarah Barry and Grace Lee as prayer mothers for the World Campus Mission. Bless Dr. Samuel's memorial service October 5.
Bless David Kim, Korea director, SNU III and Dae Jeon UBF, and 2014 European (Willingen) and CIS (Moscow) international conferences.

2. Bible America
Bless Mark Vucekovich as a North America Coordinator and Ron Ward as a Midwest Regional Coordinator and David Kim as Indianapolis director.
Pray for DuPage: Jeremy’s new leadership and coworking with Gideon. Growing disciples; Matthew, Matt, Amanda, Paola. Brittany, Josh, Bless 1:1 with Sly, Jaimee, (Lily), Philip, Marcel,
Pray for our Children’s new house churches, Hannah, Augustine, Esther, Philip. James; Jesus Centered Life.

3. Indianapolis UBF
Thank God who wants to bless us through John's gospel study this Fall. Bless David Kim's Sunday message. Bless our Worship Service and Friday testimony sharing and Saturday group bible study.
Thank God who sent Joshua Lee's family to Indianapolis. Help them to adjust well. Bless Hannah's new life at her kindergarten and grant good health to Sarah Lee.
Bless Joy's job and Joshua's job. Provide a nursing job for Sarah.
Bless Indianapolis UBF to lay a firm foundation of faith based on "Sincere Prayer", "God's Word", and "Agape Love" and register as a club at IUPUI through Joseph and plant one campus church till 2024.
*Help us to have 20 one to one Bible Studies a week through new fishing ministry. Invite 7 sheep to Christmas Worship Service. Bless us to raise One Abraham of faith and One woman of prayer.

*Bless our plan; 1:1-register as a club- bible academy-invite to Testimony sharing and SWS-raise disciples (Thank God who blessed First Meeting for Club Registration)
David : Leah, Zachery, Alex, Benjamin, Hannah, Brandon, Lacey, Andrew, Nate, David, James, Joy: *Joseph, Taylor, Robert, Angela, Nathan, Audrey, Scot Joshua: Chris, Ian, Tyler, Daniel Sarah: Zuri, Jessie (Chen)

*Proclaiming Prayer: "Lord! Bless IUPUI to be a bible believing and missionary sending campus and America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

One Word: "You must be born again" (John 3:1-15)

David Kim