News from Philly UBF

Philadelphia UBF
October 21, 2013

God has added more coworkers to Philadelphia UBF in the last couple of years. We now have six families and one single missionary: Moses and Rebekah Noah, Paulus and Susanna Lee, James and Angela Roh, Abraham and Sarah Kang, David and Pauline Park, Mark and Rebekah Yang, and Siwon Lee. Three out of six men missionaries are professors and two are PhD students. One woman missionary is also a PhD student. We are serving Drexel University, University of Pennsylvania, Rowan University and West Chester University. Shepherd Nate Turnock is faithfully co-working with us and several students are faithfully attending our worship. Men coworkers meet on Saturdays for Bible study, campus fishing, and tennis fellowship. Women coworkers meet during the week for Bible study and campus fishing. We pray that many students may come and join us for sincere Bible study and loving fellowship. We have 14 children and started CBF worship. In order to accommodate the growing need for a larger space we recently signed in a leasing contract for an office near Drexel campus. The space is currently being renovated. Currently, we are studying Genesis. I pray that every coworker may grow as an excellent Genesis Bible teacher. Philadelphia is a city of brotherly love. I pray that Philadelphia UBF may be a genuinely loving church community where coworkers and students can taste Christ's love.

In Christ,

Moses Noah
