Tyrannus Bible Academy, Montreal UBF

Montreal UBF, Canada
October 29, 2013

Søren Kierkegaard: Fool for Christ

Tyrannus Bible Academy, Montreal UBF October 26, 2013.

1 Corinthians 4:18 & 3:18 “Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become ‘fools’ so that you may become wise.”
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

We thank God for blessing our Tyrannus Bible Academy! First, God granted our prayer to invite new students interested in Bible studies.. Secondly, our young disciple-leaders worked hard to prepare riveting presentations based on books from Søren’s works. Currently in Quebec new major laws are on the verge of passing that would restrict religious freedoms especially for people who work for the government which includes many co-workers. Instead of feeling intimidated and becoming private about the gospel we want to be willing to be fools for Christ. We want to be willing to share the great love of Jesus with campus students and any person without fear. A fool for Christ is someone who is “willing to undergo ridicule, loss, and to challenge accepted norms to be identified with Christ.” Kierkegaard used literature, philosophy, the Bible and its’ themes; he used his life as an instrument to help people think about their lives as individuals before God and make a “leap” of faith. In his time, the Danish Lutheran state- church had become an impenetrable tomb of nominal faith. God used Kierkegaard as a fool to make people question their nominal faith. Marcel reviewed “Either/Or” and challenged people who were wavering in making significant life decisions; young m. Pierre reviewed “Fear and Trembling” and asked us “Does your personal knowledge of God have real passion?”; Lesedi reviewed “Sickness Unto Death” and asked us “Have your resolved your problems of despair in the Creator God?”; and shep. John reviewed the book “This Present Age” and asked us all, “Do you follow the crowd (public) or do you follow Christ?” We felt challenged and many rededicated our lives to follow Christ, willing to be ‘fools’ with him. Thank God for helping us to prepare this meaningful event for invitation ministry, the development of our young leaders as well as for our whole Montreal UBF community. May God use us as ‘fools for Christ for Quebec students.
