Chicago UBF had the "Jesus, The I AM" Symposium

Chicago UBF
November 6, 2013

John 20:31 “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

On Friday, November 1, 2013 we had a United Friday meeting at the Chicago center. The theme was “Jesus, the I AM.” It was a conclusion to our study of John’s gospel in Chicago UBF this year. The idea was first brought up at the campus coordinator’s meeting. All Chicago UBF leaders prayed for this event for two months. The preparatory work was done by a group of student volunteers who met frequently to plan and pray together. The spirit of cooperation between leaders and students was key to making a worshipful environment that was appealing to undergraduate students. The Chicago center was filled with attendants, including more than 80 undergrad students from Chicago area campuses. About half of the students were newcomers through fall semester outreach and discipleship ministry.
The evening began with a pizza party dinner in the church basement. At 6:30 p.m. everyone went to the sanctuary for praise and worship. Praise and worship was uplifting. Jesus was glorified!
After representative prayer we had a string of speakers. Each speaker was recommended by their campus coordinator and willingly received spiritual help from their fellowship leaders and the pastoral staff in preparing their testimonial messages:
Hanna Lee (UIC, 3) shared on John 6, Jesus the bread of life. She testified how God provided everything to her family when they put God first and prays to have personal faith in Jesus the bread of life.

Abraham Fernandez (Truman, Pre Nursing) shared a life testimony based on John 8, Jesus the light of the world. He met Jesus in one of the darkest time of his life.

Danny Yoshiba (UIC, 4) spoke on John 10, “I am the good shepherd,” focusing on Jesus who knows us by name and whose voice his sheep follow. Ethalle Thompson (UIC, 2) confessed how she accepted Jesus by repenting of her self-seeking ways. She is praying to desire God’s will for her life and is teaching the bible to her friend Yesenia.
We had a brief, but meaningful activity led by Christine Mun, Philmar and Roxy to demonstrate Jesus the gate. We each wrote our name on a little paper sheep, then entered through a gate guarded by Jesus and pasted the paper sheep in Jesus’ pen. Through this activity we could newly decide to follow Jesus and those who have not made the decision were invited to do so. We finished the night with the remaining I AM statements:
Miriam Pierce (HBF, 4) shared a life testimony based on John 11, “I am the resurrection and the life.” She emphasize the key difference of Christianity was the hope in eternal life. She also experienced the transformative power of God from an angry and violent person to a kind and caring witness of Jesus. Followed by that was Patty Lee’s (NU, 4) testimony on John 11 and 12. She prays to worship Jesus.

Matt Grotters (NEIU, Senior) spoke on John 14, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He gave a deep, but very clear presentation of the gospel and a personal testimony: Once I was lost, but now I am found!

Esther Wolff (NU, Grad) shared on John 15, “I am the true vine.” She highlighted three points: pruning, remaining, and fruit-bearing.
We can’t forget to mention that our brothers and sister from College of Du Page UBF joined our worship. Matt Cizek shared a life testimony. God changed him from a useless, depressed person to a servant of God’s word for two students.
As a fruit of this event, at least one student accepted Jesus for the first time as her personal Savior and Good Shepherd. Many leaders were strengthened in their vision and hope for fruitful campus ministry in the Chicago area and are eager to have more opportunities for enhancing student ministry in the future. We sincerely praise God for his work in this event.
