Univ. of Houston Pioneering by Dr. Samuel Yoo, Houston, TX

Houston, Tx
November 8, 2013

I was miserable and hopeless slave of sin, fear, and death. I couldn’t do anything because I was held by great fear 24 hours a day. Because of the anxieties, my heart was so exhausted that I couldn’t feel or think properly. My soul was deeply depressed. I lost my health and I couldn’t do anything powerfully. I kept sinning against God by adulteries and unbelief. The LORD saved me from this dungeon of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ through 1:1 Bible study. Full of joy and repentance, I cried out and went back to the bosom of heavenly Father, MY God.

The LORD sent me to University of Houston (UH) as a postdoc scholar. Houston is the 4th largest city in US. There are large stores that are filled with abundant foods and goods. The people here seem to enjoy the wealth and riches. I have to confess that I wished such wealth and pleasure. And I felt that the way for me to live well here is to be successful in my research, by working hard and pursuing the successful results. However, Deuteronomy Ch. 6 clearly tells me that ONLY the LORD is my God. I am here not to be rich, nor to be given to pleasure. I am here to worship my God. I am here to serve the LORD and His people in UH.

Thanks God for Dr. Joshua and Grace Choo planted continuous prayers and served numerous students for last 4 years in Houston. May our house church continue the holy work! May the LORD make us to raise 12 disciples of Jesus! LORD, help us to meet students who are willing to join 1:1 Bible study and SWS. Please pray for Shs. Hanna, Hayeon (4 yrs) and Suyeon (5 mths) Yoo, my beautiful coworkers: They are praying to join me here in the middle of this month. Please pray for me to deliver SWS messages sincerely and win the research in the laboratory. Please pray for sister JH so that she can make decision to join us. Also for our early Morning Prayer and Daily Bread life!
