God blessed Chris Sherrill and Dream Kim's Beautiful House Church, Shippensburg UBF

Shippensburg UBF, US
November 11, 2013

On July 13, 2013, God blessed Chris Sherrill and Dream Kim to establish a house church with blessings from many coworkers, family and friends. Chris responded to the altar call for world mission at the 2008 International Summer Bible Conference at Purdue University. God accepted his decision of faith and led him to Jakarta, Indonesia, the next summer for a short term mission, where he met Dream (who is the daughter of Msn. Peter and Rebekah Kim). For the last three years, the two have been serving the campus mission at Shippensburg University through their 1:1 Bible studies, prayer, music and other fellowship activities. Now God has brought them together to serve the work of God as a team. We thank God for his grace upon them and pray that they may be a source of blessing to many young people, like the house church of Priscilla and Aquila.

By M.Daniel Lee
