Collecting the Late Dr. Lee's Letters

Dear precious coworkers in Christ,

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)

Greetings in Christ Jesus!
We thank God for blessing the first memorial service at Dr. Lee’s cemetery. I believe you heard about it through M. Grace A. Lee’s letter. After the service, many coworkers agreed to collect Dr. Lee’s letters from coworkers throughout the world.

I remember one letter which he wrote to an American Ambassador in Moscow in the summer of 1992. After Russia opened to the world in 1991, there were many students of Moscow State University and other campuses who were studying the Bible and we liked to invite 15 Russian students to the MSU International Summer Bible Conference. But their visas were denied. We did what we could do for their visas by sending the US Senators’ recommendation letters. But the US government rejected them. There was no way to invite them to the conference. Then Dr. Lee wrote a letter of a half page to the American Ambassador in Moscow. The Ambassador was moved, and gave the US visas to all of them without any condition.

His letters toward coworkers were heart-moving, revealing Jesus’ shepherd heart. We all would like to read it and learn his deep love of God and shepherd heart. If you have his personal letter(s), please keep the original one, and send its copy to M. Grace A. Lee ( in Chicago so that we can publish it.

May the grace and love of Jesus Christ be with you, your family and ministry.

Paul Chung on behalf of M. Grace A. Lee
