GEMS Report

November 20, 2013

Global Emerging Mission Strategists (GEMS) 2013 was held in Bundang, Korea.

The Lord has graced all of us to re-connect with old friends while blessing some of us to make new connections here in the beautiful 분당 (almost heavenly) area. The host (Hallelujah, 할렐루야) church, Korea has been wonderful, including the meals and snacks provided. One participant commented that GEMs stands for great eating ministries.

The format consisted of 15-minute "presentations" followed by questions and answers The presentation format allowed us to deeply share and pray for how to reach this generation with the good news of God. The presenters were from England, Cambodia, USA, Malaysia and Korea so we could have a global perspective.

The conference was a marvelous experience & joy. We pray to reach out to the world with the good news of Jesus. For this we need to develop measurable plans and implement them. For this we need to learn from each other and share our experiences, both successes as well as failures.

We also had a consultation on the last day with Dr. Ma who is a professor of mission at Oxford. Next year's location will be in Malaysia; they we will all bring a paper and its proceedings will be published in a book so that we can share it with the broader audience.

I thank God for allowing us to attend this small gathering and prayers and support of the UBF HQs who laid the good foundation in previous years working with GIMNET. I thank God for a warm welcome by Shep. David and Sarah Kim of Yonhee, Daniel Beyon of SNU 3 and Nehemiah Kim of Gwanju and Dr. Luke of Anam 2 while I was in Korea.

By Sam Lee
