Wedding News of Mark Berry and Monica Tran

Chicago UBF
November 26, 2013

Praise God who established Mark Berry and Monica Tran’s house church on November 23, 3 p.m. at Chicago UBF center. Pastor Ron Ward officiated their wedding and gave them a wedding address, “Seek First His Kingdom,” based on Matthew 6:33.
Mark is from Milwaukee UBF and Monica from Chicago UBF. Mark is American/Mexican, while Monica is Vietnamese. Mark came to know Christ personally through Genesis and Romans Bible study. Mark has a clear life direction to live as a servant of Christ Jesus who did not come to be served, but to serve others. He has God’s calling to live as a Bible teacher. Monica, through Bible study with Sarah Yu, Steve & Amy Stasinos, and Little Sarah Kim, came to know Jesus personally and learned to depend on God, instead of herself. She came to realize that the Lord is her shepherd who is always with her to discipline her and to lead her in the path of righteousness. Now she wants to learn to love God with all her heart.
Monica said of Mark: “Mark is very sweet and caring, in which I am the opposite. I respect that he takes care of his mom. God helped me to see the potential in him to grow as a spiritual leader.” Mark said: “Although we are complete opposites in practical things, I feel we complement each other in many ways. I have been careless with money, and Monica is very responsible. By the same token, God used me to show her that money isn’t everything. I pray that I may be a man of God who will lead our household, and be a provider for my family. God has brought Monica and me together to establish a Christ-centered home. God has given me a vision to serve campus ministry, and grow as a leader in Milwaukee. I pray that many UWM students may hear the word of God through our family.”
May the Lord help Mark and Monica to submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. May the Lord empower them to live a most blessed life as they seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. May the Lord make them a blessing to their coworkers, to UWM students, to America and to the world.
