Chicago UBF Christmas Worship & Celebration News & Video

Chicago UBF
December 16, 2013



Through the grace of God Chicago UBF, together with Triton and Dupage chapters, as well as members from IIT, Hyde Park, West Loop, Wright, Lincoln Park, UI, Milwaukee and Philadelphia, held a joint Christmas worship service on December 15, 2013 with the title, “Glory to God, Peace to Men,” (Lk 2:14). To prepare for it, Chicago UBF leaders gathered for prayer every night for two weeks, spending nearly three hours each night. It was not easy to do this after working hard all day, but leaders did so with earnestness and diligence. God blessed the prayers of his people and poured out his grace upon all parts of the program. P. Ron Ward’s message was titled, “Glory to God, Peace to Men.” It was all about Jesus who came into this world in a manger to be our friend and Savior. Jesus revealed the glory of God in his humility and won spiritual victory over sin, death and the devil. Yet only humble people can recognize and receive him. All brothers and sisters—nearly 1000 in the auditorium—were moved by the Baby Jesus’ coming in a manger and were filled with peace and joy.

The Christmas drama had the same title, “Glory to God, Peace to Men.” It was written and directed by Sh. David Hull. It was well constructed and implemented ingeniously according to the Bible passage. God moved Jason Havey, Tom Guihan and Sarah Sohn to dedicate two weeks to prepare the lead shepherd roles. Through some innovative scenes in Rome, we could see the contrast between the humble Baby Jesus and proud Caesar (who was well played by Rich Ryzewski). The drama was virtually a second message and many were moved, even to tears, as they watched.

Sh. Tim McEathron conducted the choir, which sang, “Candlelight Carol” and “Glory to God.” About 60 members performed, and as they sang, the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of all attendants. It was a most precious Christmas offering to God.

Deborah Ward led two different dances with all their strength. About 30 dancers glorified God, and the grace of God overflowed to all of us.

Elder Jim Rarick led the orchestra, which performed, “O Come, O Come, Immanuel” and accompanied the chorus. Helen Kim Jr. led the praise team. There was also a special Christmas rap by KC and Ike from Triton UBF.

Dr. John Jun blessed the service with benedictory prayer.

Glory to God, peace to everyone on whom His favor rests!








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