Dr. Ezra Cho’s Graduation Testimony, Asbury UBF, KY

Asbury UBF, USA
December 18, 2013

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Cor 15:58)

Thank God for fulfilling this word in my life and for granting the doctoral degree of Biblical Studies in 2013. During my studies at Calvin Theological Seminary (2005-2007) and Asbury Theological Seminary (2007-2013), God has empowered my heart through this word and expanded my horizon of theology.

My major is “Pauline Theology” and I wrote my PhD dissertation with the title: “The Rhetorical Approach to 1 Thessalonians in Light of Funeral Oration”. I newly interpreted 1 Thessalonians through the method of the Athenian, Roman, and Jewish funeral oratory.

I graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary on Dec. 6, 2013 by God’s grace. I really thank coworkers for praying for my studies and my work. May God help me to contribute to God’s work and to the ministry of the Word in UBF fully. I also pray that God may provide a position as professor in the western states of the United States.

by Dr. Ezra Cho
