Life Testimony of Obet Sibanda, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe UBF
December 21, 2013

Key verse: John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Part One: Life without the Risen Christ.

My name is Obet Sibanda. I was born in Masvingo province of Zimbabwe in January 1988. I was born into a family of 6 children. My family was a church going family except for my father. As l grew up l used to admire my father’s way of life. I did not want to go to church with the rest of the family and l always remained behind when others went to church.

When l was 7 years old, l fell sick. The illness was serious and l could no longer go to school. I went to various hospitals but l could not get better. My mother then asked if she could take me to the pastor at church so that he could pray for me. When the pastor prayed for me I was healed instantly and then l began to know that there is God who has grace and power to heal. Even if l was in a family of Christians, Jesus Christ was not in my heart.

In the year 1996 my father retired from his work as a prison officer so we had to relocate to our rural home since we no longer had anywhere to stay in town. The life in the rural areas was very tough. It was a complete turnaround in the negative direction. When I started learning at a rural school l was greatly discouraged. I felt as if I was locked up in this poor village and I wondered how l was going to escape. I just want to thank God who gave me the ability to study hard and pass my studies. Though l could not secure a scholarship, l continued on to the local secondary school. My family could not afford the required school materials, so many times l had to go to school without a school uniform among other things. Despite all the challenges, l finished with very high grades and as the best student.

I was given a scholarship to go and study sciences at the advanced level at Fletcher high school. I worked hard throughout high school and God blessed me with good grades. Although life was difficult, l managed to sail through.

After l completed my advanced level l was accepted at the University of Zimbabwe for medicine and surgery. I was also accepted at the Illinois Wesleyan University in United States for pre-med in 2007. However l failed to join the university because my parents could not afford the fees. I had to stay at home for two years. During that time l went for temporary teaching but the money was two little to buy even food for a single week. The currency was not powerful because of the inflation during that time.

The situation forced me to go into South Africa illegally to seek employment. My cousin brother was supposed to pay for my bus fare after l arrived there. But when l arrived he refused to pay, and l was detained in a garage for seven days. When l was detained the men who had brought me wanted to sell me as a labourer to recover their money but they failed. During the time l was detained l felt like Joseph in the cistern where his brothers threw him before they sold him to the merchants in Genesis chapter 37. Afterwards l was thrown into the street and my life in South Africa was difficult. I worked as a labourer and l failed to save the money so that l would not go back to school.

When I faced many difficulties, I felt as if God was not fair and had abandoned me. I began to live a life of pleasure. I no longer regarded sin as sin. I drank alcohol and l believed that it would take away my sorrows. I did not care what tomorrow would bring because my belief was that l had lost everything that I had worked for. However, I thank God that even if l was a sinner, he protected me from death and destruction in a foreign land.

Part Two: Jesus is the Way
In the year 2009 l came back from South Africa since the journey appeared fruitless. When I was back in Zimbabwe I started teaching and gathered some money so that l could enter the university.

It was a dream come true to get into the university. I was very happy to be accepted by the university. But l still had some problems which made me feel troubled deep inside. My spirit was not restored and I still had some financial problems. Sometimes l had to walk to university campus though it was a long distance because l could not afford the bus fare. I was kept out of the first professional examination for my first year because l had not paid enough school fees and was not registered as a student. ln the compulsory examination of the first year l was kept out for about two hours and had to write the examination in one hour.

During the second year of my studies, l could not write one of the professional examinations because l had not yet paid for the full tuition fees. I drank some alcohol so that l may forget my sorrows. However, alcohol and all the activities did not help in my situation. I felt like the Lord had completely forsaken me. My life became bitter and meaningless even though l was at the university.

I thank the Lord that he did not leave me or abandon me. God continued to help me survive and pulled me through it all even when my heart was shattered. God did not leave me in times of darkness, sin and rejection. He stood by me and took care of me. God was always with me and protected me from perishing.

In the year 2010 l met some UBF shepherds during the fishing ministry. They invited me to attend the University Bible Fellowship. When l attended the Sunday worship service l felt that l had been brought closer to the Lord Jesus Christ. I continued to attend the worship service. The one to one Bible study with missionary Petra helped me to grow spiritually. Through the study of Genesis l experienced the love of God more personally. Through Genesis 12:2, which says, “l will make you into a great nation and l will bless you; l will make your name great and you will be a blessing,” I was encouraged that God is able to transform my life and make me into a great servant in his mission and work of making disciples.

After I joined tent life in 2011, my spiritual growth continued through one to one Bible study, Daily Bread prayer meeting and testimony sharing meeting. I managed to understand the meaning of a holy life. Through Romans 6:23: ‘for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus,’ I began to understand that alcohol, lustful desires and a sinful life would ruin my future and would lead to death.

Through preparation of messages and testimony l experienced Christ more personally. In the year 2012 l had a chance to attend the Southern Africa Bible conference. During the conference I was lifted up and felt like l had to spread God’s word to all the world. The title of the conference was, ‘YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES’. According to Acts 1:8, l felt lifted in spirit and l was encouraged to join the fishing ministry and become a witness of God’s word. When l went to talk to the students it was a nice experience but some did not have an interest in coming to worship service. I managed to have Bible study with four brothers at my hospital on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Most of my classmates were excited to see me having Bible study and they also believed through my life. Though some of the students were not faithful, l just thanked God for the few he gave. My faith is that l will grow to be a powerful Bible teacher.

During the summer conference l prepared the message on John 14:6. Jesus answered,’l am the way the truth and the life’. Through preparing this message l began to see the work that God had done in my life. From the life of sorrow and sinful desires, he saved me and l became his disciple in the ministry. The Lord helped me from a poor village to go and study medicine. Through this, I discovered that Jesus is the way in my life.

When l started my fourth year, the Lord opened another way for me; l received a scholarship which offered free tuition and accommodation. However, I did not join the campus residence but remained in the tent because l felt that l still needed to grow spiritually and that it would help me to serve God’s ministry in Zimbabwe more fully. Psalm 23:6 says, “Surely goodness and love shall follow me all the days of my life and l will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” That passage helped me to stay true to God’s mission to follow his word more practically.

I was also chosen to be the leader of the tent. Even if it was a big job for me, Jesus helped me. During this time l learnt how to carry one’s burden and to learn how to be a leader. Through this, I have learned a lot about how to serve God in the ministry. Handling my personal problems, family and the mission was a challenge. My mother has not been well for about two years. When l saw her failing to do the work or cook at home, l was deeply moved. The missionaries once helped me financially for her medication, and l am grateful for their support.
A few months ago, she had a minor stroke but we could not afford sending her for all the medical tests. During that time l also had to prepare a message at a summer conference entitled ‘Remain in Me’. Even if my mother was lying in the bed of illness, I was strengthened through Mark 10:29: “‘l tell you the truth’ Jesus replied, ‘no one who has left home and brothers and sisters will fail to receive a hundred times as much.’” I believed that through serving God’s mission, God will also restore my mother’s health.

I thank the Lord God for his love and guidance. He has always been faithful during times of hardship. I thank the missionaries for their spiritual and physical help that they have always shown in my life. I would also want to thank all of you for your prayers for Africa and the support you have always shown us. May God bless you!

One word: Jesus is the way
