Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Virginia Charlottesville, Lehigh UBF had a Joint Christmas Worship Service

Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Virginia Charlottesville, Lehigh UBF
December 24, 2013

Dear Friends of UBF,
Philadelphia UBF, Pittsburgh UBF, Virginia Charlottesville UBF, and Lehigh UBF had a joint Christmas worship service in Philadelphia on Dec 22nd. We were hoping to hold the worship service at the new Philadelphia UBF Bible House. But because its renovation work was not yet complete, we held the service at the community center at David and Pauline Park’s apartment complex. Dr. Moses Noh kept saying we were holding the service at a strange place on a day with strange weather (Temperature recorded 66 degree). But I thought it was a cozy place and a nice weather. Pauline Jr. and David led the praise worship. I was moved by Pauline’s beautiful singing voice. I thought her singing talent came from her parents and but it was her joyful spirit that made her singing talent come alive. She also put together a Christmas video that set a tone for Dr. Moses’ message, based on Genesis 22. His message was in two parts: 1) God’s sacrificial love (Abraham ended up not sacrificing his son but God did.); 2) A little bit of our love (He emphasized that we must reciprocate God’s love by loving our brothers and sisters.) Attendants, at least my wife Sarah, really loved the Christmas message. When we came home, Sarah praised the message, which made me happy and a little uncomfortable(She sounded like giving me a sort of hint) at the same time. Philadelphia UBF contributed to the service with chorus and orchestra. Lehigh UBF also did chorus, which I thought did not turn out as good as we practiced in our church. Some of us forgot the right notes. Anyhow I saw possibility that Lehigh UBF can make good chorus. The last of program was candle light service, which Dr. Bill Pottenger organized. It was very romantic and also spiritually meaningful.
Friends of UBF, I thank and praise God for your labor of love for Him and His flock in 2013. You are my joy and crown in the Lord. Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

In Christ,

Wesley Jun
