Richmond UBF Annual Report

Richmond UBF, USA
March 18, 2014

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

I. 2013 Annual Review

Richmond UBF is thankful for our LORD Jesus Christ who has led us faithfully throughout 2013 despite our shortcomings and sins. We started this year with Ephesians 1:3, which gave us the inspiration that we continually find unsearchable riches in Jesus. If a Christian is complacent in his journey in Christ, something is clearly wrong because spiritually unmeasurable treasures are on the path. The key verse helped us quietly think about our relationship with Jesus and meditate on how to unfold this year. Although life struggles were difficult at times, it could not be compared with the joy of every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. It has been such a joyful journey finding God’s blessings in our life. Richmond UBF has worked together to better understand Jesus this year.

In particular, God has enabled us to find spiritual blessings in both the book of Ephesians and the Gospel of John. Ephesians 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” In addition, the book of Ephesians has taught us unity in Christ and unity in the body of Christ. God has also led us in John’s gospel. John 20:30-31 reads, “Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” The book of John has refreshed us upon reviewing the ministry of our LORD Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God. We are saved only by faith. May God continue to bless the study of the Gospel of John in 2014.

Of all our Bible students, Bryan Brown has been with us for nearly five years. He has also been presiding for our worship service during this period. After he graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), he moved back to Northern Virginia. We thank God for his spiritual growth and servantship. As he encountered a new chapter of his life, we pray for God’s guidance and help so that he may get a job and live as a source of blessing in his life. Kriezl Ypil attended the International Summer Bible Conference. She had to work and could not go with us. But she was willing to drive to Indiana University at Pennsylvania all by herself. We were thankful for her willingness. Christine Castelo also attended the conference. She is taking some seminary classes. May God enlighten her eyes to see the word of God. It is indeed encouraging to see students who struggle in the word of God and live by faith. Richmond UBF is thankful for Pastor David Won who has been working so hard for Bible studies.
We continued to have worship services on VCU campus during regular semesters. During the summer, we have worship services at St. James Episcopal Church, who allowed us to use a room during the summer, because VCU did not allow us to use any rooms. It was a very constructive environment for our worship services with our students.

Conferences were good events to refresh ourselves in the word of God. Richmond UBF had a retreat for Easter conference. Pastor David spoke on the Easter message and we had such a beautiful time together. Kriezl Ypil and Huan Mo attended the conference. All attendants, including children, shared what they learned about Jesus’ death and resurrection and it was a heartfelt moment.

Richmond UBF joined the 2013 International Summer Bible Conference. Personally, it was so good to attend the conference with our children. Karen, David, Peter, Paul, Joshua, and Grace could see the work of God in the world. At the conference, all of us saw the work of God and our genuine effort to live by faith. Additionally, all coworkers were able to have a spiritual rest in the word of God.

The Wons and the Yoos are serving God’s ministry together in Richmond UBF. We thank God who is helping us to have a strong unity as one body with one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father of all. We thank God for enabling us to have a prayer vessel and friendship in Christ Jesus. May we continue to agree with one another.
2nd generation education is essential especially in a small ministry. Peter and Paul Won were middle-school students, and Karen and David Won Jr. are in high school. All of them have been growing in Christian influence. Joshua and Grace Yoo are attending a local church, Sycamore Presbyterian Church. All children are attending our worship service. We pray that our children may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation in this wicked and adulterous generation.

II. 2014 Vision and Strategy

Richmond UBF chose 2 Timothy 1:6 for the New Year’s key verse as Pastor David shared this verse on the first Sunday. “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” Pastor David reminded us that God gave all Christians gifts to use to build up the body of Christ. What a tragedy if we do not use them! May we be inspired by the Holy Spirit every day. Getting more to the point, we need to fan into flame the gift of God. It is to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is to be living according to the word of God. May we actively use the gift of God for His glory in the New Year!

Especially, the Wons have been with us for five years. They have been a blessing to Richmond UBF with their faith and sacrifices. In God’s time, Pastor David’s family will go back to Chicago where he will engage in the disciple-making ministry there and help the second generation. As they plan to move back to Chicago, there are many things to be considered. Children will have to adjust to their new environment. Dr. Sarah Won will need to find a job. May God bless their smooth transition. May God help Pastor David’s seminary studies as well.

It is quite refreshing to prayerfully prepare for the New Year. It is exciting to think about how God will lead and mold us in the New Year. May God give us wisdom to make a spiritual environment to be spiritually more mature. May we do our best to present ourselves to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of God. May God richly bless Richmond UBF in 2014!

Dr. Mark Yoon