Minneapolis UBF 2014 Vision and Strategy

Minneapolis UBF, USA
March 19, 2014


“Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2)

A. 2014 Key Verse

While praying for our chapter’s 2014 key verse, God gave us 2 Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” The most urgent and important thing on which we should put our priority in this world is to preach the word because it is God’s command. The Bible is literally God-breathed words and has absolute authority to save perishing souls and to equip the servant of God for every good work. Therefore, we should trust in the power of the word of God and be prepared in season and out of season to teach the word of God. This year, we pray that God may bless each of us and our chapter as a whole to grow in the word of God. We pray that God may help us to prepare deep Bible studies, internalize what we study by writing sincere personal reflections, and obey the word of God. May God help us to diligently invite students and teach them with spiritual authority. In doing so, we pray that God may bless us to experience his power and raise disciples.

My last year’s key verse was Daniel 6:10b, “…Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” I wanted to learn from Daniel how to build a stronger personal prayer life. But I cannot but confess my lack of prayer while serving God’s ministry and God’s flock of sheep. In spite of my limitations, God blessed me to experience the power of prayer in my practical life. Since November 4, God blessed me to participate in the Midwest staff meeting via video conference. I could learn the book of Acts and theology. This year, I pray that God may help me to devote myself to preaching the word. May God help me to experience the power of his word while helping others and serving his ministry. May God help me to earnestly internalize his word and serve students with the power of the word of God!

B. Conference and Bible school plans

1. April: Easter worship services at the church
2. July: Summer Bible Conference
3. October: Fall Bible school at the church
4. December: Christmas worship service

C. Ministry Strategy

1. Constant personal and united prayer
2. Deep Bible study and message preparation
3. Constant invitation to 1:1 Bible study and worship service
4. Raise disciples

D. Prayer topics

1. 60 weekly 1:1 Bible studies and 45 Sunday worship service attendees
2. Raising 12 house churches by 2015
3. Building spiritual unity in Christ’s love
4. Raising 10,000 Bible teachers for the upper Midwest

Stephen Yang
