Andover-Lowell UBF 2014 Vision & Prayer Topics

Andover-Lowell UBF, USA
March 20, 2014

Faith that Pleases God

2014 Vision and Strategy

My 2014 key verse is Hebrews 11:6, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” This verse teaches us that having faith in God is a very serious matter, a matter of life and death! Indeed, our faith is essential to please God. God sees our faith and judges us according to our faith. Whatever we do, it is impossible to please God if we don’t have faith. On the other hand, we can still please God if we have living faith in Him, even though we may not do much. During 2013, I suddenly realized that I didn’t know God, the Creator and the Father who had sent His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit for our salvation, even after spending more than 30 years in campus mission. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if God existed today and if He cared anything about me? When we were troubled and in desperate need, I didn’t know what to do and where to go because I didn’t know God personally. During this heartbreaking period, I noticed the words, “…those who earnestly seek Him.” Also, I found many places in the Old Testament where it says, “…If you seek Him, He will let you find Him”, “…had sought Him earnestly, and He let them find Him.” This gave us new desire to seek and find God in person, the Creator God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We want to know God, love Him, depend on Him and please Him. We want to know God personally and live according to His good purpose.

The year 2014 seems to be a turning point in our spiritual and mission life. After struggling over eleven years with skepticism and a sense of loss, we finally decided to welcome the precious coworkers in the Greater Boston Area and work with them for our God-given mission. We are already in the process of working together through joint worship services and Bible studies, while maintaining and supporting each mission field such as MIT, BU, WPI, UNH and U. Mass-Lowell. We are thankful for this move and pray for God’s blessing that we may learn from one another and reach out to needy souls with God’s salvation. Regarding U. Mass-Lowell campus mission, our prayer topic is to continually establish a funded joint research program between U. Mass-Lowell and my company so that I may continually have an official connection and have opportunities to visit the mission field. I am also planning to take a day off every other week and establish a regular campus prayer meeting and outreach activities. We sincerely pray that God may accept our prayers and campus outreach activities as our five loaves and two fish.

Our prayer topics:

• Collaboration work among the Greater Boston Area coworkers
• God’s protection and healing on M. Deborah’s health
• John Koo’s spiritual growth and the best job
• Deborah Koo’s spiritual growth and victory during her graduate school study at Ewha Women’s University
• Mark Williams, Mahdi and Jiahong (for their spiritual growth)
• Continual joint research program with U. Mass-Lowell
• Continual joint research program with Seoul National University

Dr. John Koo