(CANADA) Vancouver 3 & 4 had a United Summer Bible Conference Filled with the Abundant Word of God and Joyful Fellowship

Jesus Is My King

Vancouver 3 & 4 UBF had a Summer Bible Camp at Sunshine Coast, B.C., on July 12-14th with the theme “Jesus Is My King.” A total of 18 people gathered and shared the grace of Jesus’ cross. We experienced the work of the Holy Spirit in everyone's heart. We studied Luke 19, Luke 5, and Luke 23. At this conference, several bible students shared their sincere testimonies based on God's grace upon their lives. Although we were sad to lose our beloved family member, M. Paul K., in the previous week, the Holy Spirit consoled us with living hope in the kingdom of God. M. Hannah K. always showed us a radiant smile and served us delicious food during the conference. She is really a witness to the resurrection. We thanked God for blessing our small conference with the abundant word of God and joyful fellowship among us. May God raise many dedicated disciples of Jesus among young Canadians!