(USA-UPDATE) The Glory of Christ in Cincinnati UBF! - Dedication Ceremony and Ordination of Elders and Stewards

The Glory of Christ in Cincinnati

During his third visit to Cincinnati UBF, P. Ron witnessed the power of Christ's words in the message delivered by David M. The disciples' anxiety and sorrow were overwhelmed by Jesus' words, revealing his glory and renewing their joy. New leaders were appointed through prayer, and Cincinnati UBF members expressed their desire to grow in Christ, love one another, and reach students at U. Cincinnati. Also, P. Ron emphasizes the importance of loving and sharing God's word in his upcoming Sunday message in Boston.

by HQ


Cincinnati UBF had a Dedication Ceremony and Ordination of Elders and Stewards 

The Cincinnati UBF chapter held a special worship service on Sunday, July 14, 2024. The worship service was also blessed by the attendance of Pastor Ron and Dervilla W. from Chicago, Dr. Jim R. and Dr. Charles K. from Chicago, and Dr. Joe and Younse W. from New Albany, IN.

The passage was based on Matthew 16:1-12. David M. shared the message, "Don’t You Remember?" The key verse was Matthew 16:9. “Do you still not understand? Don’t you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?” We must remember the word and the work of Jesus in our lives and in our ministry. He is present. How easy it is to become self-conscious and lose sight of Jesus and his presence when confronted by the challenges of this life. How precious is our Lord Jesus, who is bound to us in all things! May God bless us to remember his word and his work and understand how incomparably glorious his presence is.

The worship service included a brief ceremony to celebrate the adoption of by-laws, and the nomination and election of elders and stewards, all of which have happened in the past several months. Missionary Caleb K. and Dr. Justin S. were formally announced as elders, David M. as director and Dr. John E. as Treasurer. These elders and stewards were dedicated to the Lord’s work by the prayers of Pastor Ron W., Dr, Charles K., Dr. Jim R. and Dr. Joe W. We pray that God may continue his work and his history in Cincinnati moving forward.