(CANADA) Calgary and SAIT UBF had 5 Baptisms at Their Joint Summer Bible Conference from June 28-30 in Saskatchewan

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34a). 

“Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs” (John 21:15).

Calgary UBF and SAIT UBF had a joint Summer Bible Conference from June 28-30 in Saskatchewan.

Thank God for blessing our United Summer Bible Conference with the word of God through 5 messages and 2 life testimonies. God blessed 5 brothers and sisters (Carter, Sassidy, Yugy, Maggie, and Gyungmim) received baptism and committed their lives to Jesus.  He is growing our 2nd gens and Bible students in their faith. We studied Genesis 1, Luke 19, Luke 23, and John 21. We learned God's sacrificial love for us in Jesus Christ. Jesus sacrificed his life in our places and loves us with absolute love. Through this conference, we could make a love confession to Jesus. We pray that God may enable us to feed Jesus' sheep through one-to-one bible study and prayer.

May God give Canada a spiritual revival so that His love, grace, and truth will overflow into each person's life and the church community. And may God bring a spiritual revival to all Canadian campuses! 

*You can read the full article here