(HQ) 2024 North America Staff Conference in LA

*See the North America Staff Conference entire program videos

God blessed the 2024 North American Staff Conference held in Los Angeles with the theme "Have Faith in God." It was prayerfully prepared by the committee, and a total of 271 attended, including 50 commuters from local chapters. Mark M. gave the opening message, "God Is Able" (Eph 3:20), with a prayer to believe that God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine. P. Ron Ward (GD) delivered the main message, "Have Faith in God," encouraging to pray and forgive based on faith in God. The closing message by P. Mark Vucekovich encouraged attendees to imitate the faith of spiritual leaders and pass it on to the next generation.

The conference also featured 26 small group Bible studies, 8 workshops (led by six UBF chapters and two guest speakers) on raising disciples of Jesus by faith in God, and a special workshop titled "Is God Calling Me?" for young staff candidates. Two new chapter directors and seven candidates were introduced, and a UBF internship program for recent college graduates was announced. There were committee reports and prayers for missionaries sent from North America. Testimonies of full-time staff families highlighted their faith and dedication to student ministry.

NA UBF is grateful to God for the conference coordinators and the LA-area chapters for their logistical support and hospitality. The prayerful vision of North American UBF is to "raise spiritual leaders for the world and future generations." May God richly bless our campus disciple-raising ministry throughout North America as we hold on to our Lord Jesus’ words, “Have Faith in God.” May God especially raise new UBF full-time staff as spiritual leaders for the world and for future generations.

Read the full report: https://news.ubfweb.org/newsfiles/2024_North_American_Staff_Conference_Report.txt