(NORTH AMERICA) The 2024 North American Representative Members’ Annual Meeting Took Place in Chicago from February 9-10, 2024

The 2024 North American UBF Representative Members Meeting occured in Chicago on February 9-10. This annual meeting brings together 64 Representative Members who serve as the official board of North America UBF.  On Saturday morning, there was a meeting to discuss cooperation and ministry goals for 2024, including a presentation by P Mark V. on raising future spiritual leaders. In the official Members' meeting, Jim R. delivered a message on 1 Peter 2:24, followed by reports from various committees such as Education, World Mission, Finance, Building, Reconciliation, and Prayer for N.A. Missionaries. By-law updates were adopted. Pastor Ron Ward reported on God's work in various parts of the world and shared prayer topics. The meeting concluded with prayer and a dinner. The report also mentions the increase in Sunday attendants in 2023, and all prayed for God to use them to bless all people in North America. (see the attachment for a detailed report)